© International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (Associação Internacional de Prestadores de Cuidados com a AIDS). Todos os direitos reservados. Este portal da internet foi desenvolvido através de uma parceria entre IAPAC e Dure Technologies e foi produzido com o apoio financeiro de vários doadores, nenhum dos quais teve qualquer contribuição editorial ou controle sobre o seu conteúdo.
A Aids ainda é uma das principais doenças do mundo por conta da grande infecção e pesquisas pela cura. Estima-se que, em 2014, cerca de 734 mil pessoas portavam o vírus do HIV, o que representa um crescimento de 11% entre 2005 ...
March 18, 2016 Curitiba
October 13, 2021
“Kyiv welcomes the global initiative of Fast-Track Cities and we are ready to join the team of the selected cities to introduce innovations to end AIDS epidemics. Today this illness is not just a problem a certain country or a city. It is a threat and ...
Feb 23, 2016 Kiev
The AIDSImpact 2015 conference held in Amsterdam from 28 to 31 July has heard appeals for the better integration of behavioural and psychosocial scientific research in the AIDS response. Researchers from around the world presented ...
Dec 4, 2015 Amsterdam
The Andrews Labor Government will develop new guidelines to provide better and safer access to the latest prevention treatment to reduce rates of HIV. Launching World AIDS Day 2015 at the Doherty Institute today, Minister for Health ...
Dec 2, 2015 Melbourne
Burnet Institute Associate Professor Mark Stoové has welcomed the announcement that Melbourne is to become Australia’s first Fast-Track City, committed to reaching the Joint United Nations targets on reducing HIV and stigma and ...
Dec 2, 2015 Melbourne
Dr. Nicole Alexander-Scott, director of the Rhode Island Department of Health, alongside Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza and Governor Gina Raimondo signed the Paris Declaration in a State House ceremony Monday. In signing the declaration ...
Dec 1, 2015 Providence
This morning, on World AIDS Day, Mayor Muriel Bowser signed the HIV Fast-Track Cities Declaration, which outlines goals to end the world’s AIDS epidemic by 2030. Earlier this year, we received good news regarding the state of HIV in the ...
Dec 1, 2015 Washington, DC
We received a call at the office from Dr. Benjamin Young MD, the senior vice president and chief medical officer of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC), and he filled us in on something pretty outstanding. Denver is ...
Dec 1, 2015 Denver
Cary Kennedy, Deputy Mayor and Chief Financial Officer for the City and County of Denver, will join community members and local public health officials at 9 a.m. on August 15 in signing an agreement to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic during the ...
Dec 1, 2015 Denver
The Mayor of Mumbai, Snehal Ambekar, has pledged her support to accelerating the response to HIV in her city over the next five years, by signing the Paris Declaration on Fast-Track Cities. She made the commitment during a global ...
Dec 1, 2015 Mumbai
Home to the third-largest number of people living with HIV in Asia and the Pacific, Indonesia is a country critical to ending the AIDS epidemic in the region and on this World AIDS Day we are at a defining moment. Only three decades since HIV ...
Dec 1, 2015 Jakarta
Victoria’s HIV community has welcomed the announcement that the Andrews Labor Government will develop new guidelines to provide better and safer access to Pre- exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent the spread of HIV. The new ...
Dec 1, 2015 Melbourne
The White House hosted a World AIDS Day observance on Tuesday, December 1, 2015, welcoming domestic and global leaders in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Gathered under the theme “The time to act is now,” various presenters ...
Nov 30, 2015 All USA (not MC)
Today, in conjunction with World AIDS Day, the White House Office of National AIDS Policy is releasing the Federal Action Plan for 2016-2020, which outlines specific Federal agency actions to implement the updated National HIV/AIDS Strategy ...
Nov 30, 2015 All USA (not MC)
Baltimore has joined an international group of cities working collectively to tackle the HIV/AIDS epidemic, health officials announced Tuesday. The effort, called the Fast-Track Cities Initiative, was launched in Paris in 2014 and ...
Nov 11, 2015 Baltimore
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser on Tuesday signed a United Nations sponsored pledge to speed up efforts to combat AIDS called the HIV Fast-Track Cities Declaration during a World AIDS Day ceremony in a reception room outside her office. The ...
Sep 16, 2015 Washington, DC
Today is World AIDS Day, a day to remember those who have lost their lives to HIV and AIDS, reflect on our progress and the challenges that remain, and unite in our commitment to an AIDS-free generation. The U.S. theme for World AIDS Day ...
Sep 16, 2015 All USA (not MC)
(WASHINGTON, DC) – On Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 11 am, Mayor Muriel Bowser will sign the HIV Fast-Track Cities Declaration. The Declaration is based on the UNAIDS goals that will have the most profound impact on ending ...
Aug 14, 2015 Washington, DC
On World AIDS Day in 2014, mayors from around the world met in Paris to launch the Fast-Track Cities Initiative. By 2020, the cities that joined the initiative aim to ensure that 90% of people living with HIV know that they have the virus, are taking ..
Aug 14, 2015 All USA (not MC)
The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) announced ambitious new HIV treatment targets today that are aimed at building healthier communities and expanding opportunity for all HIV-positive Rhode Islanders to live long, full lives ...
July 30, 2015 Providence
ATLANTA – Mayor Kasim Reed today signed on to the Fast-Track Cities Paris Declaration to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030, and achieve the 90-90-90 HIV treatment targets by 2020. These targets will rapidly reduce new HIV ...
Dec 22, 2014 Atlanta
The Mayor of Santiago, Chile, and the Mayor-Elect of Buenos Aires, Argentina, have pledged to Fast-Track the AIDS response in their cities over the next five years. Carolina Tohá Morales of Santiago and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta of ...
Accra, Ghana, 3 June – Hundreds of mayors and elected officials from around the world met in Accra to discuss how cities can lead the way to strengthen economic opportunities between Africa and the Diaspora. The three-day conference ...
The 19 mayors, including six from the Western hemisphere, signed on to the Paris Declaration – Fast-Track Cities Initiative: Ending the AIDS Epidemic Cities Achieving 90-90-90 targets by 2020. In signing the Paris Declaration, the mayors commit ...
Mayors and their representatives from around South Africa are demonstrating their commitment to accelerating the HIV and TB responses in their respective municipalities. “Half of the world's population will be living in cites by 2030. That ...
Mayors from major cities and urban areas in Côte d’Ivoire have come together to sign the Paris Declaration, pledging their support to accelerate the response to HIV over the next five years. Thirteen mayors from the Abidjan district ...
Fifteen Senegalese mayors have endorsed the Paris Declaration to end the AIDS epidemic in their cities. Since the majority of people living with HIV reside in urban areas, accelerating the AIDS response in cities could considerably contribute ...
The City of Kigali (CoK) has recommitted to the fight against HIV/AIDS by signing of the Paris Declaration on ending the epidemic in cities and urban areas, a year after the global strategy was adopted. The signing took place at the Kigali ...
In 2014 in Rwanda, more than 95% of pregnant women living with HIV had access to antiretroviral medicines to prevent the transmission of HIV from mother to child. As a result, the country had fewer than 500 new infections among children last ...
Global HIV news
February 2, 2022
December 27, 2021
Politie Amsterdam blijft erbij: aanrijding Stationsplein was ongeluk
NOS De politie in Amsterdam blijft erbij dat de aanrijding op 10 juni voor Amsterdam Centraal een ongeluk was en geen terroristisch misdrijf, stelt de gemeente Amsterdam in een brief. Het onderzoek naar het incident is nu afgerond. De politie betreurt dat ... |
Oct 04, 2017
SAN FRANCISCO — On online dating sites, Matthew Sachs identifies himself as a 5-foot-8, 130-pound grad student who likes hiking, performance art and community service. He says he’s interested in meeting a broad range of guys, from ...
January 26, 2016
On 15 February, on the margins of the 66th Berlin International Film Festival, UNAIDS launched the ProTest HIV campaign. The event was held to raise HIV awareness among young people in Berlin and ...
February 15, 2016
EPM Magazine | Single-tablet regimen for HIV-1 approved by European Commission EPM Magazine Data from a bioequivalence study comparing darunavir-STR with the combined administration of the separate agents in a fixed dose combination were presented during the International AIDS Society (IAS) conference in Paris. The results of this study ... |
Sep 27, 2017
Miami, FL, USA (June 5, 2017) – New York City today launched a Fast-Track Cities dashboard to track its progress toward attaining the United Nations’ 90-90-90 targets. The announcement was made during a Fast-Track cities session ...
June 5, 2017
Amsterdam is de eerste Europese stad die start met een project om de verspreiding van hiv op stadsniveau te elimineren. Het project, genaamd H-team (Hiv Transmissie Eliminatie AMsterdam), is een samenwerkingsverband van alle partijen die betrokken zijn bij de lokale hiv-bestrijding. Het H-team combineert de nieuwste medische inzichten met psychosociaal onderzoek en campagnes gericht op risicogroepen, huisartsen en andere zorgprofessionals. Als het project succesvol is, wordt het mogelijk uitgebreid op nationaal niveau. Het H-team werd tot zijn overlijden bij de MH17 vliegtuigramp geleid door initiatiefnemer prof. dr. Joep Lange. De betrokken partijen zetten het werk van Lange met grote toewijding en onverminderde motivatie voort
17 november 2014
Київ, 03 березня 2017. За результатами попередніх домовленостей, Україна у 2017 році отримає 37,5 мільйонів доларів на боротьбу із ВІЛ/СНІД від ПЕПФАР (Надзвичайний план Президента США для надання допомоги для боротьби зі СНІДом) ...
March 3, 2017
Friday, May 8, 2015
Folha de S.Paulo | CRÍTICA: Como outros originais, musical sobre HIV se perde pelo caminho Folha de S.Paulo Diálogos não são o forte de Maia, que escreveu o texto, o chamado libreto, com a colaboração de Zé Henrique de Paula e Herbert Bianchi, a partir dos depoimentos de cinco rapazes com HIV. Maia responde, neste espetáculo, por texto, letras, direção ... |
May 29, 2017
MIAMI--(BUSINESS WIRE)--In continuing to address the increasing HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Florida, AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) is expanding its services in Miami-Dade county, opening a new health care center in Miami’s ...
June 26, 2017
The breathless media coverage of actor Charlie Sheen’s revelation that he has contracted HIV should serve as a stark reminder, as if we needed one, that the virus that causes AIDS is very real and still ...
November 25, 2015
November 30, 2019
« Droit à la santé », une thématique bien illustrative pour l’amorce de l’élimination du SIDA à l’horizon 2030 qui constitue une des priorités du programme de l’objectif de développement durable. Conformément ...
December 4, 2017
HIV HERO Benefit Honors Stars Of Theater And Dance NewNowNext Hosted by Matty Maggiacomo, the gala brigs more than a dozen performances from the worlds of Broadway and ballet to New York's Stage 48, including ABT's Sean Stewart and Jose Sebastian, and Broadway performers Patrick Boyd (Wicked, Grease) and ... |
Oct 04, 2017
Nairobi, Kenya – To accelerate access to better antiretroviral (ARV) drugs, the Government of Kenya and Unitaid today announced the introduction of a new first-line drug for people living with HIV, making Kenya the first African country to ...
June 28, 2017
On World AIDS Day in 2014, mayors from around the world met in Paris to launch the Fast-Track Cities Initiative. By 2020, the cities that joined the initiative aim to ensure that 90% of people living with HIV know that they ...
March 10, 2016
Five years after a massive earthquake devastated Port-au-Prince, the crowded capital of Haiti, killing between 160,000 and 200,000 people and displacing more than 1.5 million people to tent camps, there are ...
January 21, 2015
Los Angeles Times | Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California Los Angeles Times Modern medicine allows those with HIV to live longer lives and nearly eliminates the possibility of transmission, according to state Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and Assemblyman Todd Gloria (D-San Diego), authors of the bill. “Today California ... |
Oct 07, 2017
Having achieved significant reductions in new infections and effective treatment, San Francisco is a model city for combating HIV — but even so, The City is not expected to meet its goal of a 90 percent reduction in HIV diagnoses ...
Spain's top research institution said Thursday it has patented an HIV test that can detect the AIDS-causing virus within a week of infection, the fastest yet. A "biosensor" developed by scientists of the ...
February 17, 2017
Fast-Track Cities progress toward UNAIDS' 90-90-90 goal
Healio NEW ORLEANS — Cities throughout the world have been making progress toward treatment targets set for 2020, but officials must not become complacent, an HIV/AIDS specialist said at ASM Microbe. |
Jun 12, 2017
Teachers and students of the Kingston Technical High School took to the streets yesterday to help raise awareness about HIV/AIDS. Students were heard remixing the songs of Vybz Kartel's 'Mhm Hm' as they ...
December 2, 2017
Daily Bruin | Gael Adrien Mbama: HIV laws must be modernized to prevent further stigmatization Daily Bruin This sentiment is echoed by Dr. Edward Machtinger, a UC San Francisco professor of medicine and director of the Women's HIV Program at UCSF. Machtinger said people can be held hostage in abusive relationships because of their fear of prosecution for ... |
Sep 22, 2017
McGill Newsroom | RI-MUHC scientist takes HIV self-testing global with HIVSmart!™ McGill Newsroom The Fast-Track Cities is a global partnership between the City of Paris, International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC), the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme ... |
Sep 26, 2017
'Without stigma or discrimination': Victorians urged to get tested for ... Bendigo Advertiser Victorians are being asked to 'spring into action' and get tested for sexually transmitted infections. |
Sep 09, 2017
Nog nooit waren er zoveel keuzes beschikbaar in de preventie en behandeling van hiv als nu, volgens de organisatoren van de internationale conferentie Aids Impact in Amsterdam. Kennis over mogelijke medische en gedragsinterventies en over de ...
July 28, 2015
Monday, June 4, 2018
To improve the line of treatment for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) patients, 80 new viral load testing machines will be set up at government medical colleges and major hospitals ...
February 12, 2018
Florida Leads United States In New HIV Cases Opposing Views There were 6,147 people diagnosed with HIV in Florida in 2014. About 15 of the individuals were younger than 13 years old and 80 percent of adult cases were males. Miami-Dade and Broward counties had the highest number of new cases, 1,411 and 993 ... |
Jan 24, 2016
The federal government is failing to provide Australians with a life saving preventative HIV medication, Victoria's health minister says. Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, is a way for people who don't have HIV to prevent infection ...
March 24, 2017
Chicago recorded the lowest number of new HIV diagnoses in 26 years in 2016, public health officials say. In 2001, the city reported 1,850 HIV diagnoses, the highest number of cases recorded since 1990 ...
December 1, 2017
February 1, 2018
New York Times | AIDS Prevention Medicine New York Times Rampant stigma concerning H.I.V. and sexuality in our health care system makes it difficult for the L.G.B.T.Q. community and people of color to obtain competent and respectful care. Pre-exposure prophylaxis, which is more than 90 percent effective in ... |
Oct 02, 2017
NEW ORLEANS, LA (WVUE) - There's a new way to fight the HIV epidemic in New Orleans, and doctors say it's the key to saving lives and stopping the spread of the disease in our community. It's called the Rapid Start Program and New Orleans ...
February 3, 2017
“Welcoming.” “Friendly.” “Awesome.” Those are the words 27-year-old Nadji Dawkins of Oakland uses to describe CRUSH, a pioneering program in Oakland promoting sexual health for young men of color who have sex ...
October 15, 2014
Windhoek Mayor, Muesee Kazapua encouraged fellow male Namibians to visit health facilities for HIV testing and voluntary medical circumcision in order to reach the target of eradicating the disease by 2020.
Jul 17, 2019
Before an earthquake devastated Haiti in 2010, the country’s HIV and AIDS response focused largely on treatment, care and support – with much less attention given to preventing the spread of the virus ...
July 25, 2012
Instinct Magazine | A New Case in PrEP Failure Has Some Loose Ends | Instinct Instinct Magazine PrEP has been a controversial topic in the gay community for many years since it started becoming widely used in the early 2010's as a way for men to minimize ... |
Oct 05, 2017
O Brasil registrou, em 2015, recorde no número de pessoas em tratamento de HIV e aids: 81 mil brasileiros começaram a se tratar no ano passado, um aumento de 13% em relação a 2014, quando 72 mil pessoas aderiram aos ...
January 28, 2017
While several recent reports have shown that new HIV diagnoses have been falling in U.K. gay men, what really matters is the actual number of new HIV infections, regardless of whether people are diagnosed or not ...
November 24, 2017
Die Senatorin für Gesundheit, Pflege und Gleichstellung Dilek Kolat hat heute das Lesbisch-Schwule Stadtfest auf der Motzstraße besucht. Dort hat sie sich am Stand der Berliner Aids-Hilfe exemplarisch auf ...
July 15, 2017
Anne Hidalgo, Maire de Paris, et les élus du Conseil de Paris, ont reçu hier en séance Michel Sidibé, directeur exécutif d’ONUSIDA. L’occasion de faire le point sur l’engagement de Paris contre l’épidémie de VIH depuis le lancement fin 2014 de l’initiative ...
July 5, 2017
Новітній препарат антиретровірусної терапії, який отримав Київ, дозволить пацієнтам із ВІЛ отримати ефективне лікування та можливість повноцінного життя.І це є ще одним важливим кроком до зупинення епідемії ВІЛ/СНІДУ ...
July 10, 2017
New triage tool helps doctors save lives by ID'ing patients at great risk
Augusta Free Press In situations where medical resources are most limited, doctors are often forced to make life-or-death decisions with little information. |
Sep 28, 2017
SAN FRANCISCO, CA – API Wellness is pleased to announce the opening of a new health center location on Market Street that offers affordable, quality health care for the LGBTQ community. The health center, which will open ...
May 4, 2017
HIV-AIDS: Following your gut Science Daily This advance, published in JCI Insight, might well lead to the development of a new therapeutic strategy to supplement antiretroviral therapy (ART), improving the control of viral replication in HIV-infected persons and preventing complications ... |
Sep 18, 2017
20 juli 2017- Het aantal hiv-diagnoses in Amsterdam is in vijf jaar tijd gehalveerd. De stad is zeer succesvol bij het uitvoeren de VN-doelstellingen op het gebied van hiv-bestrijding. Dat blijkt uit een rapport dat UNAIDS op 20 juli presenteert, aan ...
July 20, 2017
Aidsfonds vindt het schrijnend dat mensen moeten kiezen voor deelname aan een onderzoek, om toegang te krijgen tot de hiv-preventiepil, PrEP. Farmaceut Gilead start een nieuw internationaal medisch-wetenschappelijk onderzoek, DISCOVER ...
March 17, 2017
Building on the success of the Pulse Polio programme, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has begun work on total eradication of new HIV cases and aims to achieve this target by 2030 ...
June 1, 2015
The Nation | A sixth of new HIV patients in Europe 50 or older The Nation PARIS-People aged 50 and older comprise a growing percentage of HIV patients in Europe, accounting for one in six new cases in 2015, researchers said Wednesday. The older cohort was more likely to be diagnosed with advanced stages of HIV and AIDS ... New HIV diagnoses among adults aged 50 years or older in 31 European countries, 2004–15: an analysis of ... Europe | World news | The Guardian |
Sep 28, 2017
The Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations has called on two drug companies and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee to fast track negotiations, after today’s disappointing decision to defer listing the highly effective HIV ...
August 18, 2017
Health-care providers, community leaders and advocates gathered at UT Health San Antonio on Wednesday to discuss various strategies for lowering the number of new HIV diagnoses in San Antonio. The meeting ...
October 11, 2017
The Phoenix City Council has joined cities around the world by adopting the Fast Track Cities action plan to work towards ending HIV/AIDS in our community by 2030. The plan commits the city to work collaboratively and inclusively to use resources and tools to ...
September 13, 2017
August 5, 2013
The Australian | Call to strip gender talk from sex-ed classes The Australian “If we can reduce HIV ... reduce unwanted pregnancies and reduce kids being coerced into having sex they don't want to have, including transgender kids, it's a good thing,” he said. The aim was to give policymakers and educators other ways to think the ... |
Oct 02, 2017
MIAMI, FL – The Miami-Dade County Office of Community Advocacy will hold its monthly government service events for residents in October. The Miami-Dade County Office of Community Advocacy, with the support of Chairman Jean ...
October 3, 2016
Mira Febriyanti shoulders a backpack stuffed with needles as she steps onto the soft ground of a trash-strewn lot. In the distance, white smoke rises from a garbage fire smoldering in the afternoon rain ...
December 1, 2015
More than 90% of HIV-positive people treated with direct-acting antivirals for hepatitis C – including many with liver cirrhosis – achieved sustained virological response and few discontinued treatment due to side-effects ...
November 23, 2016
Simply Healthcare Plans Expands Reach of $0 Premium Medicare ... Business Wire (press release) Simply Healthcare Plans (Simply) is expanding its $0 premium Medicare Advantage plans with six plans in three additional counties – Hernando, Pa. |
Oct 03, 2017
NAIROBI/GENEVA, 17 September 2015—The President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta, and the Executive Director of UNAIDS, Michel Sidibé, have launched an innovative new tool to track progress and identify gaps in HIV programming in Kenya ...
September 17, 2015
For the first time in the global AIDS epidemic that has spanned four decades and killed 35 million people, more than half of all those infected with HIV are on drugs to treat the virus, the United Nations said in a report released ...
July 20, 2017
Le Troisième Forum de l’Amérique Latine et des Caraïbes sur la pérennité de la riposte au VIH/Sida, avec comme thème “Mettre fin au Sida en Amérique Latine et dans les Caraïbes: vers des objectifs régionaux ...
November 6, 2017
Gears Of Biz | New cases of HIV in Bexar County keep climbing San Antonio Express-News In 2015, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, working in conjunction with the Texas Department of State Health Services and the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District, used genotypes to trace similar HIV strains. They identified 16 ... Criminalizing HIV Status Is Wrong And Governor Brown Should Stop It |
Oct 08, 2017
นายชวินทร์ ศิรินาค ผู้อำนวยการสำนักอนามัย กรุงเทพมหานคร (กทม.) เปิดเผยว่า กทม.ได้จัดวางแนวทางรณรงค์สร้างความเข้าใจแก่เด็กและเยาวชนให้ดูแลป้องกันตนเอง เมื่อมีเพศสัมพันธ์ก็ต้องมีการใช้ถุงยางอนามัย ซึ่งจะมีการรณรงค์ไปยังโรงเรียนและในพื้นที่ต่างๆ ...
July 19, 2016
'We zijn op weg naar het vinden van een belangrijk nieuw hiv-medicijn'
AT5 (persbericht) In De Zwoele Stad is onder meer AMC-onderzoeker Carla Ribeiro te gast. De geboren Portugese vertelt over haar zoektocht naar een nieuw hiv-medicijn. Eind vorig jaar publiceerde Ribeiro haar bevindingen met collega-onderzoekers in het vooraanstaande ... |
Jul 26, 2017
September 16, 2015
Instinct Magazine |
A New Case in PrEP Failure Has Some Loose Ends
Instinct Magazine During the conference, there were claims that an Amsterdam man adhering to PrEP was contracted by a strain of HIV that was non-drug-resistant. Even with all this data, researchers have discovered a new theory that might negate those particular claims. |
Oct 05, 2017
Volgens die '90-90-90'-doelen moet in 2020 negentig procent van de hiv-patiënten zijn gediagnosticeerd. Daarvan moet negentig procent onder behandeling zijn, waarvan weer negentig procent dusdanig behandeld moet zijn dat het virus ...
August 16, 2017
Investigators have created a consortium in an effort to yield HIV cures through stem cell transplants similar to the cure achieved in the Berlin Patient, the man whose HIV and leukemia were cured following a ...
July 19, 2016
NU.nl | Groei onder Europese vijftigplussers die HIV-diagnose krijgen NU.nl Bij eenzelfde percentage van diegenen die behandeld worden, is het virus dan zo onderdrukt dat ze het niet meer kunnen overdragen. In Amsterdam, waar meer dan een kwart van de mensen met hiv in Nederland woont, liggen deze percentages nu op 94, ... |
Sep 27, 2017
NEW YORK, NY – Planned Parenthood of New York City (PPNYC) will begin offering PrEP on August 8 at its Manhattan health center and at all five health centers by the end of 2016.PrEP, Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, is a treatment plan that involves a ...
July 29, 2016
Ruim 70% van de nieuwe hiv-infecties onder mannen die seks hebben met mannen (MSM) wordt veroorzaakt door mannen die niet weten dat ze hiv hebbe
17 Aug 2015
Про це повідомляє "Інтерфакс" з посиланням на прес-реліз AHF Ukraine. Створення і відкриття центру ініціювали АнтиСНІД-США в Україні та фундація AIDS Healthcare Foundation. У центрі також можна пройти тест на ВІЛ, у разі позитивних ...
December 5, 2016
Infectious Disease Advisor (registration) | Why Patients Discontinue ART— and What You Can Do to Stop It Infectious Disease Advisor (registration) In 2013, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) established an ambitious 90-90-90 target — by 2020, 90% of people living with HIV will receive a diagnosis, 90% with HIV will be retained in care, and 90% of those in care will have ... |
Sep 30, 2017
The Florida Department of Health in Broward County is inviting physicians to join a new HIV program in which people will be offered a medical visit and medication the very same day they test positive for HIV. No more waiting weeks for ...
May 9, 2017
The AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) affiliate organization Women Organized to Respond to Life-threatening Diseases (WORLD) is proud to celebrate the ribbon cutting of the new WORLD House location ...
March 4, 2016
HIV causes structural heart disease according to research presented at EuroEcho-Imaging 2013 by Dr Nieves Montoro from Madrid, Spain. The findings support the introduction of cardiovascular screening in all ...
December 11th 2013
Yahoo7 News | Same-sex marriage opponents slam genderless school sex-ed calls ... Yahoo7 News Rather than gendered references to reproductive anatomy with words like penis, vagina, sperm, and ovaries, gender-neutral terms to identify these organs could ... |
Oct 03, 2017
The government early this month launched a prevention drug for people at risk of contracting the HIV virus. Know as Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), the drug will be given out for free. The targeted population for the roll-out ...
May 27, 2017
An estimated 180 of every 100,000 people in Oakland County have been diagnosed with HIV, according to a new map visualizing the HIV epidemic in the United States, recently published by AIDSVu. Of those 180, 59 ...
July 26, 2016
One of the first groups of AIDS patients to receive free HIV drugs in a public health setting in the developing world is living as long as those in the United States, according to research conducted by Weill Cornell ...
January 28, 2016
Janssen submits NDA for single-tablet HIV regimen containing darunavir Healio ... the single-tablet regimen of darunavir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (D/C/F/TAF) in virologically suppressed, HIV-1-infected adults through 24 weeks: EMERALD Study. Presented at: IAS Conference on HIV Science; July 23-26, 2017; Paris. |
Sep 26, 2017
นายทวีศักดิ์ เลิศประพันธ์ รองผู้ว่าราชการกรุงเทพมหานคร เป็นประธานเปิดกิจกรรม “รณรงค์ตรวจวินิจฉัยเพื่อหาการติดเชื้อเอชไอวีโดยสมัครใจ (Voluntary Counselling and Testing Day : VCT DAY)" ประจำปี 2560 ภายใต้แนวคิด “ชีวิตดี๊ดียกกำลัง 2” ซึ่งจัดขึ้นในวันที่ ...
June 30, 2017
Hoy en día, la triple terapia es el tratamiento estándar para el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH)i. Una combinación de tres fármacos que los pacientes portadores del virus deben tomar de manera indefinida ...
February 28, 2017
Queer Fiber Artists Push the Bounds of Gender Norms | KCET
KCET ... she publishes a blog, The Looseleaf Report, adjudicates dances festivals, and frequently moderates pre-concert talks. Looseleaf has also filed datelines from around the world, including such cultural hotspots as Abu Dhabi, Vienna, Tel Aviv, Buenos ... |
Jun 13, 2017
People living with HIV/AIDS are expected this year to have access to free services at the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) office located on Hagley Park Road in Kingston. A recent release said the services ...
January 2, 2018
New York Times | My Struggle to Take Anti-H.I.V. Medicine - The New York Times New York Times I am a 30-something African-American gay man in New York. H.I.V. is constantly on my mind. Not so much my H.I.V.-negative status. Rather, even though I ... |
Sep 22, 2017
Firehouse.com (press release) (registration) (blog) | FDNY Honors First EMT Infected by HIV Firehouse.com (press release) (registration) (blog) The FDNY has honored the first EMT in New York City to contract the HIV virus while on duty two decades after the city turned its back on her. WPIX reports on the tragic case of Tracy Allen Lee, who was only 18 months into her career as an FDNY medic ... |
Sep 26, 2017
New York, NY (August 17, 2017) — The Population Council has been awarded Breakthrough-RESEARCH, a five-year cooperative agreement from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The project aims to improve healthy ...
August 17, 2017
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Tuberculosis is the number one cause of death in HIV-infected patients in Africa and a leading cause of death in this population worldwide, yet the majority of these patients are excluded from the early stages in the development ...
September 29, 2015
Monday, June 18, 2018
Population growth and fast urbanization, fuelled by sustained immigration and accelerating mobility, are rapidly changing the socioeconomic and behavioural patterns of people in big ...
April 19, 2018
NBCNews.com | OutFront: Advocate Celebrates Gay Black Excellence With 'Mobilizing Our Brothers Initiative' NBCNews.com Usher, who lives in the Bronx and works as a community engagement manager for the New York City Blood Drive, said the lack of spaces for the community is just as dismal online. “It's always porn or it's always about HIV,” he said, lamenting the narrow ... |
Sep 28, 2017
Living Positive Victoria and Positive Women Victoria have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will strengthen the partnership between the two organisations for the benefit of all women living with ...
March 7, 2017
Le 1er décembre, la MINUSMA à travers son Unité VIH/SIDA s’est jointe au Gouvernement du Mali pour commémorer la Journée Mondiale de lutte contre le VIH/Sida, présidée par le Premier Ministre et Chef du ...
December 5, 2016
Avert | Breakthrough as single-dose HIV treatment deal announced Avert Talking to UK newspaper The Independent, Dr Larkin Callaghan, Director of Strategic Communications and Partnerships at the Aids Research Institute at the University of California, San Francisco, said the DTG pricing deal “should underscore the need for ... |
Oct 03, 2017
New Orleans is facing an HIV epidemic. "It's been bad for several years, we've seen statistics for syphilis, for gonorrhea, for babies born with syphilis that are number one and number two in the nation, and for HIV, New Orleans has been in the top ...
November 17, 2016
Young men of color who have sex with other men are most at risk for HIV and AIDS and account for more new sexually transmitted infections than any other gay and bisexual subgroup in the East Bay, according to Alta ...
December 2, 2014
The health ministry and the US government opened a voluntary male circumcision clinic in Windhoek with a capacity of performing 20 procedures per day.
Jul 17, 2019
The first documented case of HIV in Haiti was at the Clinique Bon Sauveur in the Central Plateau in 1986. Within two years, the clinic had introduced a programme of free testing, counselling, condoms, HIV education ...
July 15, 2013
Horror Film Launches Campaign Against Blood Donation Ban Healthline Despite the present ability to test all blood donations for HIV and other viruses, men who have sex with men are still singled out in donations. “The only thing that was codified into law that has stuck has been the ban against gay men giving blood ... |
Oct 06, 2017
The project Viva Melhor Sabendo Jovem (Live Better Knowing – Young) is back from vacation making communication actions and urban interventions with a mobile medical trailer, promoting free HIV testing, distributing condoms and offering ...
January 12, 2017
Cities across England will participate in a three-year trial to test the effectiveness of the HIV prevention drug PrEP in what insiders have described as “the world’s biggest pre-exposure prophylaxis implementation trial.” Sexual health ...
December 1, 2017
Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe: Jetzt Innovation ermöglichen, um HIV-Infektionen und Aids-Erkrankungen zu vermeiden / Bausteine des Erfolges: Behandlung für alle, der HIV-Heimtest und Prophylaxe PrEP / Berlin kann als ...
July 20, 2017
June 4, 2018
A child who was infected with HIV at birth and given a short course of treatment has remained healthy for the last nine years without further drugs, according to scientists at a conference in Paris, in a case that could give hope ...
July 24, 2017
Daily Mail | A New York City man's HIV diagnosis was mistakenly sent to his workplace by a hospital. Daily Mail A New York City man's HIV diagnosis was mistakenly sent to his workplace by a hospital. The man, a former Actors' Equity employee, has filed a $2.5million negligence suit against Mount Sinai St Luke's Hospital for their 2014 mistake, the New York Daily ... |
Sep 09, 2017
NU.nl |
Steeds meer HIV-diagnoses onder Europese vijftigplussers | NU ...
NU.nl Van alle nieuwe gevallen van hiv die in Europa worden ontdekt, is ongeveer een op de zes personen ouder dan vijftig jaar. |
Sep 27, 2017
San Francisco's Getting to Zero effort is making good progress toward ending the city's HIV epidemic, consortium members reported at a recent quarterly update. But the new Republican administration in Washington threatens to reverse gains ...
April 6, 2017
How Psychiatrists Can Prevent HIV Transmission With Pre- and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Psychiatric Times Strategies have been developed to prevent HIV transmission and to improve adherence to risk reduction and medical care. These include the National AIDS Strategy for the United States Updated to 2020, the 2015 Blueprint on Ending AIDS in New York State ... |
Sep 25, 2017
CBS 8 San Diego |
California Lawmakers Vote To Repeal HIV Criminalization Laws ...
CBS San Francisco Bay Area California lawmakers have passed a bill to make punishments for intentionally infecting someone with HIV the same as for other communicable diseases. State Senate Says it Should No Longer Be a Felony to Knowingly Expose Others to HIV |
Jun 01, 2017
Aidsfonds-Soa Aids Nederland steunt het initiatief van de Amsterdamse gemeenteraadsleden Roosma (GroenLinks) en Vroege (D66), om een tweejarig programma bij de GGD te financieren, dat medische controle biedt aan informele PrEP ...
July 17, 2017
21 juli 2016- Amsterdam loopt samen met vier andere steden in de wereld voorop in de strijd tegen hiv/aids. Dat werd door het initiatief Fast Track Cities bekend gemaakt op AIDS2016, de internationale aidsconferentie gehouden in Durban, Zuid-Afrika ...
July 21, 2016
As Tek Kumar Babli walks down a dusty road towards Govandi, a slum in Mumbai, children call out, “HIV wale, HIV wale”. The 31-year-old, though, looks straight ahead, ignoring the remarks ...
November 29, 2015
Janssen's Symtuza receives European approval to treat HIV-1 in adults & adolescents pharmabiz.com The approval by the European Commission demonstrates our efforts to treat HIV more simply, helping all those living with HIV to achieve an undetectable viral load while enjoying an improved quality of life,” said Lawrence M. Blatt, Ph.D., Global ... |
Sep 28, 2017
The results of this year’s Melbourne Gay Community Periodic Survey demonstrate a growing community confidence in the efficacy of biomedical HIV prevention strategies amongst gay men and other men who have sex with men (MSM).
July 24, 2017
On the eve of World AIDS Day, San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg signed a declaration to end new cases of the disease by 2030. San Antonio became the 14th U.S. city Thursday to become a part of an international ...
November 30, 2017
The Phoenix City Council today voted to join the Fast-Track Cities Initiative aimed at ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. The Initiative -- approved by a 7 to 0 vote – will build upon, strengthen and leverage existing HIV-related programs and ...
October 25, 2016
May 31, 2017
Independent Online | New ARV drug breakthrough in fighting HIV Independent Online ... HIV-positive patients in wealthy countries in Europe and the US and sold at unaffordable prices for middle- and low-income countries like South Africa. Last Friday, Motsoaledi announced at the UN General Assembly in New York that a breakthrough ... |
Oct 02, 2017
For all the problems public health officials in Baton Rouge and New Orleans encounter in combating high rates of HIV/AIDS, new research shows that pulling down the disease's rates in rural Louisiana could be even more difficult.
September 3, 2017
The number of people living with AIDS in Jakarta has gone up by 563; from 8,093 in December 2015 to 8,656 in December 2016, data from the Jakarta chapter of the National AIDS Commission (KPAP) shows ...
August 3, 2017
La Coordinadora estatal de VIH y sida, CESIDA, ha presentado esta mañana en el Hospital Clínico San Carlos de Madrid un manual sobre el VIH para personas educadoras pares así como 6 guías de apoyo ...
January 31, 2017
Instinct Magazine | A New Case in PrEP Failure Has Some Loose Ends Instinct Magazine During the conference, there were claims that an Amsterdam man adhering to PrEP was contracted by a strain of HIV that was non-drug-resistant. Even with all this data, researchers have discovered a new theory that might negate those particular claims. |
Oct 05, 2017
“Eu tinha feito o agendamento há meses. Cheguei no posto, entrei na fila, esperei pelo menos 40 minutos. Quando chegou a minha vez, vi meu nome ser anotado em uma folha de papel, em meio a uma lista de outros tantos ...
July 24, 2017
The 56 Dean Street clinic has seen HIV patients fall by two thirds since 2015.The massive reduction in HIV rates is being put down to rigorous testing of people at high risk of infection, and the roll out of HIV-prevention ...
August 31, 2017
Nach einer aktuellen Ärzte-Umfrage befürchtet jeder achte Arzt, sich in seinem Berufsalltag mit HIV anzustecken. Im Auftrag des Verbandes der Privaten Krankenversicherung (PKV) hat das Online-Ärztenetzwerk ...
July 29, 2014
November 23, 2017
Inquirer.net | Filipina honored in New York for epic fight against HIV/AIDS Inquirer.net In the late '60s and early '70s, even St. Theresa's College in Manila and Quezon City—an exclusive girls' school run by the ICM (shorthand for the French Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary) Belgian nuns who bred feisty women skilled at ... |
Oct 08, 2017
กทม.รณรงค์รักอย่างปลอดภัยใส่ใจสุขภาพในวันวาเลนไทน์ เผยตัวเลขผู้ติดเชื้อเอชไอวีเฉลี่ยวันละ 5 คน ร้อยละ 70 มีเพศสัมพันธ์ไม่ใส่ถุงยางอนามัย แนวโน้มผู้ติดเชื้อรายใหม่เป็นเยาวชนอายุน้อยกว่า 25 ปี คาดปี 60 ในกรุงเทพฯ มีผู้ติดเชื้อ ...
February 15, 2016
bioLytical Laboratories, een wereldleider op het gebied van tests voor het snel detecteren van infectieziekten, is verheugd om de introductie van de INSTI® HIV Zelftest in Nederlandse apotheken aan te mogen kondigen. Eén enkele druppel ...
July 30, 2017
The Mayor of Santiago, Chile, and the Mayor-Elect of Buenos Aires, Argentina, have pledged to Fast-Track the AIDS response in their cities over the next five years. Carolina Tohá Morales of Santiago ...
September 16, 2015
Instinct Magazine |
A New Case in PrEP Failure Has Some Loose Ends | Instinct
Instinct Magazine PrEP has been a controversial topic in the gay community for many years since it started becoming widely used in the early 2010's as a way for men to minimize ... |
Oct 05, 2017
Four cities that are part of a plan to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic in their communities by 2030 announced 90-90-90 data at AIDS 2016 in Durban, South Africa, this week. Amsterdam; Denver; Kiev, Ukraine; and Paris are among the fast-track ...
July 22, 2017
Die Senatorin für Gesundheit, Pflege und Gleichstellung Dilek Kolat hat heute das Lesbisch-Schwule Stadtfest auf der Motzstraße besucht. Dort hat sie sich am Stand der Berliner Aids-Hilfe exemplarisch auf ...
July 15, 2017
Post-Bulletin | 'There's a lot of excitement about finding a cure' Post-Bulletin And almost 50 percent of people in San Francisco had cancer as their presenting problem. So as an oncologist, there was plenty for me to do, and then when the virus was discovered to be the same type of virus I'd worked with all the way through med ... |
Sep 27, 2017
Understanding the prevalence of undiagnosed HIV is critical to prevention and linkage efforts. In a recent press release on National HIV Testing Day, the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene shared preliminary results from an ...
July 25, 2016
Nog nooit waren er zoveel keuzes beschikbaar in de preventie en behandeling van hiv als nu, volgens de organisatoren van de internationale conferentie Aids Impact in Amsterdam. Kennis over mogelijke medische en gedragsinterventies en over de mensen waarvoor die zijn bedoeld, , zal uitgewisseld worden door een bont gezelschap uit 47 landen . De conferentie duurt 4 dagen en kan worden gezien als voorloper van de grote Internationale Aidsconferentie ,die in 2018 naar Amsterdam komt
28 July 2015
З’явилася інфографіка поширення захворювання на ВІЛ-інфекцію в Україні.Зокрема, за 2016 рік зареєстровано 13 381 новий випадок ВІЛ-інфекції (з них 2 349 дітей до 14 років). Всього з 1987 року в Україні офіційно зареєстровано ...
November 30, 2016
Sacramento Bee | California should bring its HIV law in line with science, and Gov. Brown can help Sacramento Bee Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, and Assemblyman Todd Gloria, D-San Diego, is part of a national movement to reform outdated HIV criminal laws, and I urge Gov. Jerry Brown to sign it. Most of these laws were passed in the late 1980s when there were no ... |
Sep 30, 2017
MIAMI, FL – In observance of National HIV Testing Day (NHTD), Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson (FL-24) will team up with Walgreens, Greater Than AIDS, and several health clinics throughout Miami-Dade County to offer free HIV testing ...
June 23, 2017
On World AIDS Day in 2014, mayors from around the world met in Paris to launch the Fast-Track Cities Initiative. By 2020, the cities that joined the initiative aim to ensure that 90% of people living with HIV know that ...
March 10, 2016
Madrid, 20 de Octubre de 2014. COLEGA-MADRID (Colectivo LGBT de la Comunidad de Madrid) conmemora la celebración del Día Nacional de la Prueba de VIH con una campaña de promoción de la prueba rápida de ...
October 20th 2014
NOS | Politie Amsterdam blijft erbij: aanrijding Stationsplein was ongeluk NOS De politie in Amsterdam blijft erbij dat de aanrijding op 10 juni voor Amsterdam Centraal een ongeluk was en geen terroristisch misdrijf, stelt de gemeente Amsterdam in een brief. Het onderzoek naar het incident is nu afgerond. De politie betreurt dat ... |
Oct 04, 2017
It is a labour intensive sector that has been impacted negatively by HIV and AIDS over time with a resultant reduction of production, loss of household incomes, loss of skilled and experienced labour force which has posed a threat ...
May 15, 2017
Oakland University has teamed with southeast Michigan HIV assistance multi-service center Unified to offer free HIV/AIDS and syphilis screenings every Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Human Health Building ...
October 10, 2016
The voice of Haiti’s popular movement at this critical period in the country’s history has never been clearer. For the past several months, since the discredited legislative and presidential elections of last August ...
March 1, 2016
Daily Mail | New York City PrEP prescriptions increase nearly 1,000 percent, but ... Medical Xpress Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) prescriptions in New York City increased by nearly 1000 percent in two years, but men of color, women and patients outside ... Prescriptions for PrEP increased 1,000% in 2 years in NYC | Daily ... Data From NY City Suggest PReP Use Is Increasing ... PrEP prescriptions increase almost 1,000% in NYC, but national ... |
Oct 06, 2017
BANGKOK, June 14, 2017 – Reducing rising rates of HIV transmission among Asian gay men through the innovative use of digital communications is the focus of a special event which opened today in Bangkok.Connecting Asia is a three-day ...
June 14, 2017
«Hay que volver a hablar del sida». Es el lema de la campaña de este año en la Fundación Lucha contra el sida. Y es, lamentablemente, una realidad: la enfermedad está muy lejos de desaparecer. De hecho ...
July 5, 2017
Fast-Track Cities progress toward UNAIDS' 90-90-90 goal - Healio
Healio NEW ORLEANS — Cities throughout the world have been making progress toward treatment targets set for 2020, but officials must not become complacent, ... |
Jun 12, 2017
The Ministry of Health's programme to reduce new HIV infections among key populations has been boosted through a $758 million allocation for 2018/19. The provision has been made in the Estimates of Expenditure ...
February 17, 2018
Morung Express | New 3-in-1 antibody protects monkeys from HIV-like virus Morung Express New York, September 22 (IANS) Researchers have developed a three-pronged antibody that has the potential to protect monkeys from infection of SHIV — a form of HIV in the primates, which may in the future pave the way for treatment of humans. Three-in-one antibody protects monkeys from HIV-like virus Antibody cocktail better in preventing HIV infection: studies New HIV antibody neutralises 99% of strains and prevents infection in monkeys |
Sep 22, 2017
Taking advantage of the World AIDS day, Fundación Huésped and Wunderman BA launched a new campaign to enhance awareness and remark that the issue is still active. The campaign called “Living ...
December 7, 2017
WNYC | HIV Treatments Improve, Teen Infection Rates Stay the Same - WNYC WNYC Danny was 21 when he got the news from his partner while they were lying in bed one morning. His partner was HIV positive. He had been since they started ... AIDS : an understanding of the revolutionary price at the destination ... |
Sep 26, 2017
New York's Campaign to End the AIDS Epidemic by 2020 appears to be working. On Tuesday, officials from ACR Health announced the latest statistics on HIV/AIDS From 2014 to 2015, the number of new HIV infections diagnosed in men who have ...
July 25, 2017
The Public Health Service (GGD) is launching the Amsterdam PrEP project (AMPrEP): a demonstration project regarding PrEP implementation for HIV prevention among gay men and transgender people in Amsterdam. PrEP is a pill containing HIV medication that prevents HIV infection and is for people who are not infected with HIV but may be at increased risk of becoming infected. Aim of this project is to investigate how many men would want to use PrEP, how consistently tablets are taken, how they experience using PrEP and whether PrEP use changes their use of condoms. This is the first time research into PrEP will be conducted in the Netherlands and the first time worldwide that participants in a pilot project are given a choice between daily PrEP or PrEP according to an established schedule before and after sex without a condom. Recent international research shows that PrEP is highly effective: new HIV infections decrease by 86%.
June 22, 2015
On the 17th floor of a disused building in Kiev, Ukraine, is a secret spot where people from across the capital city congregate with one purpose: to shoot up. Standing by the door leading out to the balcony is 31-year-old Roman, busy filling his needle ...
August 23, 2016
Friday, December 9, 2016
The Mumbai District AIDS Control (MDACS) has informed blood banks in the city that all blood donors who have been tested positive for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) have not been ...
June 8, 2018
NU.nl | Steeds meer HIV-diagnoses onder Europese vijftigplussers NU.nl Bij eenzelfde percentage van diegenen die behandeld worden, is het virus dan zo onderdrukt dat ze het niet meer kunnen overdragen. In Amsterdam, waar meer dan een kwart van de mensen met hiv in Nederland woont, liggen deze percentages nu op 94, ... |
Sep 27, 2017
Living Positive Victoria is proud to be a community partner and endorse the ‘Undetectable Equals Untransmittable’ (U=U) Consensus Statement issued by the Prevention Access Campaign. The statement has the backing of leading health ...
February 15, 2017
Le vendredi le 16 décembre dernier dans la cour du Centre d’Ecoute, de Soins et d’Accompagnement de Bamako (CESAC) sis au quartier Bamako-coura, les acteurs de la lutte contre le VIH/Sida ont lancé les activités de ...
December 21, 2016
October 9, 2017
HuffPost | New Film Sheds Light On A Less-Heralded Aspect Of The Queer Experience HuffPost The New York-based writer-director channeled his personal experiences with getting tested for HIV into “The Mess He Made,” a new, harrowing short film which debuted at SXSW in March and has since been seen at the 2017 Palm Springs International ... |
Oct 03, 2017
Louisiana is near the top of the list in the nation when it comes to a staggering statistic: the number of new cases of HIV/AIDS. Human immunodeficiency virus or HIV affects the immune system .CHRISTUS St. Patrick Hospital infectious ...
December 17, 2015
The breathless media coverage of actor Charlie Sheen’s revelation that he has contracted HIV should serve as a stark reminder, as if we needed one, that the virus that causes AIDS is very real and still very much a threat ...
November 25, 2015
The intervention prevents transmission of HIV from an HIV-positive mother to her infant during pregnancy, labour, delivery, or breastfeeding.
December 1, 2018 by
The courtyard, tucked off a quiet road here and ringed by mango trees heavy with immature green fruit, was bedecked with a rainbow of balloons. One proclaimed “Happy Valentines Day!” though it was May ...
November 8, 2014
Promise to end AIDS by 2030: Are we on track? Scoop.co.nz (press release) "Since India diagnosed its first case in 1986, we have enough piled up scientific evidence to know what are the proven approaches for preventing HIV transmission and caring for people living with HIV (PLHIV), so that they can live normal lives ... |
Oct 06, 2017
Em um relatório divulgado no dia 11 de julho, a ONU (Organização das Nações Unidas) alertou para o risco de uma ressurgência da epidemia global de Aids - ou seja, uma nova aceleração da propagação da doença. Anualmente, 1,9 milhão ...
August 1, 2016
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, today signed the Paris Declaration on Fast-Track Cities Ending the AIDS Epidemic, along with borough leaders, Public Health England and NHS England. Their ambition is to cut rates of new ...
January, 10, 2018
Das Presse- und Informationsamt des Landes Berlin teilt mit: Berlins Regierender Bürgermeister Michael Müller erklärt zum Beitritt Berlins zur „Fast-Track Cities Initiative to End Aids“, einem weltweiten ...
July 20, 2017
Marisol TOURAINE, Ministre des Affaires sociales et de la Santé, lance aujourd’hui une stratégie globale d’amélioration et de promotion de la santé sexuelle des Français. Reçu aujourd’hui par la ministre, le Professeur Patrick ...
March 28, 2017
Health panel hears of drop in HIV infections Bay Area Reporter The health department presented its latest HIV epidemiology report at a San Francisco Health Commission meeting Tuesday, September 19, showing that new HIV diagnoses continue to decline, with decreases seen across racial and ethnic groups. But some ... |
Sep 21, 2017
NU.nl |
Steeds meer HIV-diagnoses onder Europese vijftigplussers
NU.nl Bij eenzelfde percentage van diegenen die behandeld worden, is het virus dan zo onderdrukt dat ze het niet meer kunnen overdragen. In Amsterdam, waar meer dan een kwart van de mensen met hiv in Nederland woont, liggen deze percentages nu op 94, ... |
Sep 27, 2017
By now, many have heard about San Francisco’s public health miracle — a dramatic reduction in new HIV infections that put the county on track for reducing HIV transmission and AIDS-related deaths in San Francisco by 90 percent before ...
October 17, 2017
TheBody.com | Older Americans With HIV: A Conversation With San Francisco ... TheBody.com The first person openly living with HIV to serve on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Sheehy discusses what he sees as the most pressing current ... |
Sep 26, 2017
It is welcome news that HIV diagnoses in England fell by 17% between 2014 and 2015 with a decline that was largely driven by a 32% drop in diagnoses among gay men attending five of London’s largest sexual health clinics. Delay in starting ...
July 7, 2017
Aidsfonds vindt het schrijnend dat mensen moeten kiezen voor deelname aan een onderzoek, om toegang te krijgen tot de hiv-preventiepil, PrEP. Farmaceut Gilead start een nieuw internationaal medisch-wetenschappelijk onderzoek, DISCOVER ...
March 17, 2017
GGD Amsterdam gaat nieuwe hiv-infecties bij mannen die seks hebben met mannen (MSM) vanaf vandaag versneld opsporen. Dat doet de GGD met behulp van een ‘symptomencheck’ en een nieuw testapparaat dat het virus vanaf een week na besmetting ...
August 18, 2015
A new initiative is seeking to spread awareness about AIDS among teenagers, by actively involving them in the process as “peer educators”. In 125 colleges across the city, 250 students are spreading ...
April 7, 2016
pharmaphorum | ABIVAX's ABX464 Reduces HIV Reservoir in Blood in Second Phase 2a Clinical Trial Markets Insider ABIVAX (Paris:ABVX) (Euronext Paris: FR0012333284 – ABVX), an innovative biotechnology company targeting the immune system to eliminate viral diseases using its unique technology platform, today announced top-line results from the first cohort of its ... AbiVax claims progress towards HIV cure |
Sep 28, 2017
The Andrews Labor Government has unveiled a bold new plan to develop a cure for HIV, backed by more than $1 million in new funding. Speaking today at the fifth annual Blood Borne Virus and Sexually Transmissible Infections Forum ...
June 28, 2017
San Antonio has become the first city in Texas to sign onto an international initiative to eradicate AIDS by 2030. The initiative, known as Fast Track Cities, has three goals in mind for San Antonio residents: that ...
December 1, 2017
Mindray Receives CE Mark for HIV and HBV Test Kits 360Dx NEW YORK (360Dx) – Shenzhen, China-based Mindray said today that it has received CE marking for its HIV and HBV test kits for HBsAg, Anti-HBs, Anti-HBc, HBeAg, and Anti-HBe. The firm noted that its CL-series HIV chemiluminescence immunoassay ... |
Oct 24, 2017
NutraIngredients.com | More coffee please: Coffee could halve mortality rates for HIV and HCV patients NutraIngredients.com A research team from the Service des Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales, Hôpital Cochin and the Université Paris Descartes, France, have investigated the effects of drinking coffee on patients co-infected with both human immunodeficiency virus (HIV ... |
Oct 02, 2017
ATLANTA, Today, AIDSVu released new interactive maps illustrating the impact of HIV across the United States, showing that two-thirds of all new HIV diagnoses in 2015 occurred in two-and-a-half percent of U.S. counties.
July 5, 2017
The Jakarta office of the National AIDS Commission (KPAP) has revealed that the number of people living with AIDS in Jakarta has increased by 563, rising from 8,093 people in December 2015 to 8,656 in December ...
August 7, 2017
Spain's top research institution said Thursday it has patented an HIV test that can detect the AIDS-causing virus within a week of infection, the fastest yet. A "biosensor" developed by scientists of the ...
February 17, 2017
San Francisco Bay Times | Hummingbird Place Takes Flight San Francisco Bay Times Currently, he is a member of the San Francisco HIV/AIDS Provider Network, the San Francisco Human Services Network and the Mayor's CBO Taskforce. He serves on the Board of the National Working Positive Coalition. Andrews additionally is a former San ... |
Oct 05, 2017
“Nós queremos revitalizar a comunidade LGBT, especialmente a geração mais nova, e engajá-la na busca pela cura da infecção pelo HIV”, afirma Kevin Frost, presidente da amfAR, a Fundação para Pesquisa da Aids, em um ...
July 11, 2017
Volunteers are being sought to take a pill that mimics the effect of HIV to see if antibodies that fight the virus can be created in the most “at risk” parts of the body. The research team at Imperial College hope the pioneering trial will ...
October 25, 2017
HIV tests are more sensitive today than they used to be. They can detect smaller amounts of substances in the blood. Even if a potential HIV infection occurred just six weeks ago, doctors can now tell for sure ...
August 21, 2015
Sun Sentinel | Broward may lift ban on non-prescription needles Sun Sentinel Miami-Dade does have a needle exchange program run out of the University of Miami that was authorized by state legislators last year. Palm Beach County officials are now seeking to have that program be expanded into their county. There has been a ... |
Oct 10, 2017
นายทวีศักดิ์ เลิศประพันธ์ รองผู้ว่าฯกทม. เป็นประธานในพิธีเปิดกิจกรรมรณรงค์รักอย่างปลอดภัยใส่ใจสุขภาพในวันวาเลนไทน์ ภายใต้โครงการรักอย่างปลอดภัยใส่ใจสุขภาพ ประจำปี 2560 "รักเป็น...รักปลอดภัย" บรรยากาศภายในงานมีเยาวชน ...
February 14, 2016
AT5 (persbericht) |
Angela Groothuizen en Freek Bartels verzamelen gebruikte condooms
AT5 (persbericht) De condooms worden natuurlijk niet echt gerecycled. Het is een actie om aandacht te vragen voor de vele hiv-infecties die in Afrika ontstaan door een tekort aan condooms. Het Aidsfonds vindt dat iedereen de mogelijkheid moet hebben om een condoom te ... |
Sep 19, 2017
In addition to being aptly named, World AIDS day serves as a good excuse to actually do something and help fight for a healthier and less stigmatized world to live in. One of the best ways of taking action today ...
December 1, 2015
Volgens die '90-90-90'-doelen moet in 2020 negentig procent van de hiv-patiënten zijn gediagnosticeerd. Daarvan moet negentig procent onder behandeling zijn, waarvan weer negentig procent dusdanig behandeld moet zijn dat het virus ...
August 16, 2017
Amsterdam is één van de eerste Europese steden die hiv en aids definitief een halt toe roept. De stad heeft de internationale VN-doelstellingen al gehaald. Dat meldt UNAIDS in haar nieuwste rapport, op de vooravond van de Internationale ...
July 21, 2017
Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe: Jetzt Innovation ermöglichen, um HIV-Infektionen und Aids-Erkrankungen zu vermeiden / Bausteine des Erfolges: Behandlung für alle, der HIV-Heimtest und Prophylaxe PrEP / Berlin kann als ...
July 20, 2017
$91K Grant To Peekskill-Based HRHCare for HIV Patients Patch.com PEEKSKILL, NY – Hudson River HealthCare will receive $91,000 for its work with HIV-positive patients. The funding was announced by Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-NY17/Rockland-Westchester). The money is a federal Ryan White Part C HIV Capacity ... |
Sep 27, 2017
December 1, 2016 – In recognition of World AIDS Day, the Health Department today announced the launch of “Stay Sure,” a new sexual health media campaign that promotes HIV prevention services in New York City, including the ...
December 1, 2016
Het einde van hiv in Amsterdam” – dat was één van de ambitieuze missies van professor Joep Lange. Voor de fatale vlucht met MH-17 in juli 2014 startte hij een innovatief project waarin alle belangrijke partners samenwerken om hiv te stoppen in Amsterdam: het H-TEAM initiatief (Hiv Transmissie Eliminatie Amsterdam).
10 february 2016
Активісти Всеукраїнської Мережі ЛЖВ продемонстрували, що кров ВІЛ+ людини може бути безпечною та закликали Уряд забезпечити 100% лікування ВІЛ в Україні. Акція «Безпечна кров» пройшла одночасно під меморіалом «Червона ...
May 13, 2016
October 29, 2015
Independent Online | Health Minister sees new ARV drug as breakthrough in fight against HIV Independent Online Last Friday, Motsoaledi announced at the UN General Assembly in New York that a breakthrough pricing agreement had been reached to accelerate the availability of the first affordable, generic, single-pill HIV treatment drug. Microsoft founder Bill ... |
Sep 30, 2017
MIAMI — When Luigi Ferrer turned 18, he moved to Miami from his native Puerto Rico and fell in love with the city’s vibrant nightlight and welcoming atmosphere. “By age 21 I was infected with HIV,” he said matter of factly on Wednesday ...
December 1, 2016
Leaders from the community and medical fields will be honored at the 25th Anniversary celebration for Women Organized to Respond to Life-threatening Diseases (WORLD): Still We Rise, Celebrating 25 Years of ...
November 16, 2016
From the blood of llamas to the bark of a tree, researchers are mining nature’s treasure trove in their search for treatments and even a cure for HIV. The latest piece of research coming compliments ...
September 16, 2015
NU.nl | Steeds meer HIV-diagnoses onder Europese vijftigplussers | NU ... NU.nl Van alle nieuwe gevallen van hiv die in Europa worden ontdekt, is ongeveer een op de zes personen ouder dan vijftig jaar. |
Sep 27, 2017
The Ministry of Health through the National AIDS and STI Control Program (NASCOP) has launched a campaign dubbed "Anza Sasa" to encourage all those who test HIV positive to get ARV treatment regardless of their ...
July 15, 2016
Leaders from the community and medical fields will be honored at the 25th Anniversary celebration for Women Organized to Respond to Life-threatening Diseases (WORLD): Still We Rise, Celebrating 25 Years of ...
November 16, 2016
When patients newly diagnosed with HIV are started on treatment the same day, they are more likely to stay in care and suppress the virus to undetectable levels, a researcher said here.They are also less likely to ...
July 20, 2016
Los Angeles Times | Brown signs bill reducing penalties for HIV transmission San Francisco Chronicle Under those policies, intentionally exposing someone to HIV was a felony. SB239 reduces the crime to a misdemeanor, treating HIV like other communicable diseases. Democratic Sen. Scott Wiener of San Francisco says the harsher penalties for HIV ... Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in ... Breaking: Governor Signs Bill Updating California HIV Laws |
Oct 07, 2017
เว็บไซต์สถานีข่าวอันดับ 1 ของเมืองไทย, "เมื่อวันที่ 18 พ.ค. ที่อาคารเฉลิมพระเกียรติ คณะเวชศาสตร์เขตร้อน มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล นพ.สมาน ฟูตระกูล ผอ.สำนักโรคเอดส์ วัณโรค และโรคติดต่อทางเพศสัมพันธ์ กรมควบคุมโรค กระทรวงสาธารณสุข พร้อมด้วยศ ...
May 18, 2017
The Jamaica AIDS Support for Life (JASL) in observation of its 25th anniversary, has launched a year-long public-education drive to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS. Dubbed ‘Stand United: Love. Action. Support’ ...
November 16, 2016
Parool.nl |
'Leven met hiv is niet erg, het stigma wel'
Parool.nl Hiv het einde van de wereld? Volgens Lyle Muns (23), politicus in spé, student, sekswerker, niet. Met een videocampagne komt hij vrijdag als hivpatiënt uit de kast en wil hij taboes over het virus doorbreken. 'Leven met hiv is niet erg, het stigma wel.'. |
Jul 07, 2017
Minister of Health, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, is encouraging other Caribbean countries to join forces and replicate the ‘Jamaica Moves’ campaign into ‘Caribbean Moves’, with the objective of reducing the region’s ...
April 25, 2018
New York Times | World Health Officials Describe Progress Against Tetanus, HIV and Malaria New York Times It was one of several significant global health advances, including new programs against malaria and H.I.V., announced last week in conjunction with the meeting of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Haiti was the last country in the ... |
Sep 23, 2017
Amsterdam PrEP failure patient had unusual course of HIV infection
aidsmap At last February's Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), Dutch clinicians presented a so-far unique case of a man who had apparently become infected with non-drug resistant HIV while taking pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) ... |
Oct 02, 2017
Researchers at UC San Francisco and the academically affiliated Gladstone Institutes have used a newly developed gene-editing system to find gene mutations that make human immune cells resistant to HIV infection. The team built ...
October 25, 2016
Nach einer aktuellen Ärzte-Umfrage befürchtet jeder achte Arzt, sich in seinem Berufsalltag mit HIV anzustecken. Im Auftrag des Verbandes der Privaten Krankenversicherung (PKV) hat das Online-Ärztenetzwerk ...
July 29, 2014
European Commission Approves Symtuza® for the Treatment of HIV ... Business Wire (press release) Janssen-Cilag International NV (Janssen) today announced that the European Commission has approved the use of Symtuza® (darunavir/cobicistat/emtri. |
Sep 26, 2017
West Warwick, RI, July 20, 2017 - Blood Centers of America (BCA) announced today that New York Blood Center (NYBC) has joined its network of blood and source plasma collection centers. BCA is a national, member-owned network of over 50 ...
July 20, 2017
On World AIDS Day, mayors meet in Paris as UNAIDS releases a new report on the huge potential of fast-tracking the AIDS response in cities
On World AIDS Day 2014, mayors from around the world came together in Paris, France, to sign a declaration to end the AIDS epidemic in their cities. In signing the 2014 Paris Declaration, the mayors commit to putting cities on the Fast-Track to ending the AIDS epidemic through a set of commitments. Those commitments include achieving the UNAIDS 90–90–90 targets, which will result in 90% of people living with HIV knowing their HIV status, 90% of people who know their HIV-positive status on antiretroviral treatment and 90% of people on treatment with suppressed viral loads, keeping them healthy and reducing the risk of HIV transmission.
Новітній препарат антиретровірусної терапії, який отримав Київ, дозволить пацієнтам із ВІЛ отримати ефективне лікування та можливість повноцінного життя. І це є ще одним важливим кроком до зупинення епідемії ВІЛ/СНІДУ. Про це мер ...
July 10, 2017
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Institut Pasteur Signs MoU with Qatar's Hamad Bin Khalifa University to Collaborate on Disease Prevention and ... Markets Insider 29, 2017 /CNW/ - Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), a member of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, and the Institut Pasteur signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Paris on Friday, announcing a new partnership to ... |
Sep 29, 2017
A Victorian trial of a ground-breaking HIV drug has been dramatically expanded but there are fears hundreds of people will still miss out without a Commonwealth funding boost. PrEP, or Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, is taken daily to stop people at ...
January 21, 2017
Une table ronde d’échange et d’information vient de réunir le Haut Conseil national de lutte contre le Sida (HCNLS), les Représentants de la société civile et les Partenaires techniques et financiers sur la question de la ...
May 19, 2017
Blowing the Whistle on Aetna's Latest HIV-Related Privacy Breach Law.com The envelopes were distributed in Arizona, California, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C.. “This type of mistake is unacceptable, and we are undertaking a full review of our processes to ensure something ... |
Oct 04, 2017
New Orleans and Baton Rouge are in the top three U.S. cities for HIV diagnoses, according to a recent National HIV Surveillance report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The 70119 zip code in Orleans Parish has ...
January 5, 2015
Her daughter was 4 years old when Vicky Blake learned she’d contracted HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. It was 1994, before the advent of antiretroviral drugs that could help arrest the virus, and Blake feared ...
February 27, 2016
In a major advance in the fight against drug-resistant tuberculosis, the Haitian Study Group on Opportunistic Infections and Kaposi's Sarcoma, or GHESKIO, has opened a state-of-the-art hospital in Port-au-Prince ...
March 27, 2015
Specialty Pharmacy Times | Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs May Boost HIV Treatment Specialty Pharmacy Times A team of researchers from several institutions in New York, NY, established a program to implement the principles of antimicrobial stewardship and an HIV treatment program after conducting a pilot program that identified numerous order verification ... |
Oct 06, 2017
SAO PAULO (AP) — The devastating news didn't make sense to Brazilian Pierre Freitaz. How was it possible that, at age 17, he was infected with HIV if his only boyfriend seemed fit and healthy? Freitaz confesses he knew little about ...
August 9, 2014
HIV causes structural heart disease according to research presented at EuroEcho-Imaging 2013 by Dr Nieves Montoro from Madrid, Spain. The findings support the introduction of cardiovascular screening in all ...
December 11th 2013
Melbourne man tests positive to HIV while taking preventative drug ...
Yass Tribune The man was participating in a PrEPX trial, sparking some concern over resistance. |
Jun 01, 2017
June 19, 2018
New York Times | My Struggle to Take Anti-HIV Medicine New York Times I am a 30-something African-American gay man in New York. H.I.V. is constantly on my mind. Not so much my H.I.V.-negative status. Rather, even though I watched my parents die of AIDS when I was young, I still struggle with whether I should take the ... |
Sep 22, 2017
Another year, another International AIDS Day. Most of us barely battered an eyelid at the December 1 commemoration: a day of remembrance, reflection and action. And even more of us ...
January 7, 2018
Europese Commissie keurt HIV-medicijn Johnson & Johnson goed DeAandeelhouder.nl (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Europese Commissie heeft het gebruik van HIV-medicijn Symtuza van de Belgische dochter Janssen-Ciolag International van de Amerikaanse farmagigant Johnson & Johnson goedgekeurd. Dit maakte Janssen Pharmaceutiocal Companies uit ... |
Sep 26, 2017
The Guardian | A push to end the global HIV epidemic | Global Development ... The Guardian At a recent conference in Paris, HIV experts agreed that the fight against the virus was in its ascendancy. If eradication is to become a reality, young people must ... |
Aug 09, 2017
21 juli 2016- Amsterdam loopt samen met vier andere steden in de wereld voorop in de strijd tegen hiv/aids. Dat werd door het initiatief Fast Track Cities bekend gemaakt op AIDS2016, de internationale aidsconferentie gehouden in Durban, Zuid-Afrika ...
July 21, 2016
Nog nooit waren er zoveel keuzes beschikbaar in de preventie en behandeling van hiv als nu, volgens de organisatoren van de internationale conferentie Aids Impact in Amsterdam. Kennis over mogelijke medische en gedragsinterventies en over de ...
July 28, 2015
Monday, May 4, 2015
Following years of protest, the Centre is set to roll out Centre is set to roll out the viral load-testing for HIV/AIDS patients in the next six months across the country. The test essentially ...
December 1, 2017
New triage tool helps doctors save lives by ID'ing patients at great risk Augusta Free Press In situations where medical resources are most limited, doctors are often forced to make life-or-death decisions with little information. |
Sep 28, 2017
Syphilis and gonorrhoea notifications are on the rise. Living Positive Victoria, working closely with the Victorian Department of Health and other health organisations, is reminding people living with HIV, to prioritise their sexual health ...
June 21, 2017
Chicago recorded the lowest number of new HIV diagnoses in 26 years in 2016, public health officials say. In 2001, the city reported 1,850 HIV diagnoses, the highest number of cases recorded since ...
December 1, 2017
Gloversville Leader-Herald | Beating the odds Gloversville Leader-Herald At age 18, she began working at Montgomery Transitional Services, a youth group home in Amsterdam, while going to school full time. Shortly after, she moved to ... She has also hosted events for St. Baldrick's and St. Jude's, volunteers at the Legion ... |
Oct 02, 2017
NEW ORLEANS – In recognition of National HIV Testing Day, the Tulane T-Cell Clinic will host a free Lunch-and-Test event (similar to a lunch-and-learn) Tuesday, June 27, at the clinic located at Tulane Community Health Center, 711 N. Broad St. ...
June 23, 2017
Based on a study in 2016 conducted by UNAIDS, an organization under the United Nations dedicated to protecting those suffering from AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome), 36.7 ...
December 01, 2017
Hoy en día, la triple terapia es el tratamiento estándar para el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH)i. Una combinación de tres fármacos que los pacientes portadores del virus deben tomar de manera indefinida ...
February 28, 2017
Pharmacy Times | Applying the Principles of Antimicrobial Stewardship to HIV Pharmacy Times A team of researchers from several institutions in New York, NY, established a program to implement the principles of antimicrobial stewardship and an HIV treatment program after conducting a pilot program that identified numerous order verification ... |
Oct 06, 2017
A Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa) liberou em 25 de maio o uso do Truvada para prevenção de infecção por HIV, abrindo caminho para a implementação no Brasil da profilaxia Pré-Exposição (PrEp), recomendação ...
June 6, 2017
Scaling up HIV testing to reduce undiagnosed HIV infection requires a fundamental re-ordering of HIV testing services to make them more attractive to people at risk, and doing so can bring about enormous changes ...
October 26, 2017
On 15 February, on the margins of the 66th Berlin International Film Festival, UNAIDS launched the ProTest HIV campaign. The event was held to raise HIV awareness among young people in Berlin and ...
February 15, 2016
December 6, 2017
December 1, 2017
PEOPLE.com | Drag Queen Lady Q Shares Moving Story About Her HIV Diagnosis and the Struggle to Love Her "Queer Brown Body." PEOPLE.com The 29-year-old, who works for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center (The Center) in New York City, sat down with TheBody.com, an online HIV/AIDS magazine, after her disclosure and spoke more freely about how she contracted the ... |
Oct 11, 2017
รายงานฉบับใหม่ของธนาคารโลกเรื่อง Scaling up HIV Treatment for MSM in Bangkok: What Does it Take? พบว่ากรุงเทพมหานครกำลังประสบปัญหาการระบาดของเชื้อเอชไอวีในกลุ่มชายรักชาย การเพิ่มการให้บริการและกระตุ้นให้กลุ่มเสี่ยง โดยเฉพาะกลุ่มชายรักชาย ...
May 19, 2015
Europese Commissie keurt HIV-medicijn Johnson & Johnson goed
DeAandeelhouder.nl (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Europese Commissie heeft het gebruik van HIV-medicijn Symtuza van de Belgische dochter Janssen-Ciolag International van de Amerikaanse farmagigant Johnson & Johnson goedgekeurd. Dit maakte Janssen Pharmaceutiocal Companies uit ... |
Sep 26, 2017
Up to July 2016, 1077 people, 96.4% of them gay men, have started HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) through the public healthcare system in France, Jean-Michel Molina, principal investigator of the Ipergay trial, told delegates at the ...
July 29, 2016
AT5 (persbericht) | Angela Groothuizen en Freek Bartels verzamelen gebruikte condooms AT5 (persbericht) De condooms worden natuurlijk niet echt gerecycled. Het is een actie om aandacht te vragen voor de vele hiv-infecties die in Afrika ontstaan door een tekort aan condooms. Het Aidsfonds vindt dat iedereen de mogelijkheid moet hebben om een condoom te ... |
Sep 19, 2017
Four cities that are part of a plan to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic in their communities by 2030 announced 90-90-90 data at AIDS 2016 in Durban, South Africa, this week. Amsterdam; Denver; Kiev, Ukraine; and Paris are among the fast-track ...
July 22, 2017
June 19, 2017
20 juli 2017- Het aantal hiv-diagnoses in Amsterdam is in vijf jaar tijd gehalveerd. De stad is zeer succesvol bij het uitvoeren de VN-doelstellingen op het gebied van hiv-bestrijding. Dat blijkt uit een rapport dat UNAIDS op 20 juli presenteert, aan ...
July 20, 2017
Das Presse- und Informationsamt des Landes Berlin teilt mit: Berlins Regierender Bürgermeister Michael Müller erklärt zum Beitritt Berlins zur „Fast-Track Cities Initiative to End Aids“, einem weltweiten ...
July 20, 2017
EPM Magazine | European Commission Approves Symtuza for the Treatment of HIV-1 In Adults and Adolescents in Europe New Kerala Today's approval by the European Commission demonstrates our efforts to treat HIV more simply, helping all those living with HIV to achieve an undetectable viral load while enjoying an improved quality of life," said Lawrence M. Blatt, Ph.D., Global ... Single-tablet regimen for HIV-1 approved by European Commission |
Sep 27, 2017
December 1, 2015 -The Health Department today released its 2014 HIV Surveillance Annual Report, which shows that the annual number of new HIV diagnoses in New York City has reached an all-time low, and, for the first time ...
December 1, 2015
One in seven sexually active gay and bisexual men in London are living with HIV, it was revealed today. Public Health England estimates that 40,250 people in the capital have HIV - including 4,420 who ...
December 1, 2016
ЖЕНЕВА/КИЇВ, 17 серпня 2015 - Перша партія життєво необхідних антиретровірусних препаратів для ВІЛ-інфікованих дорослих і дітей, які постраждалих від конфлікту на сході України, сьогодні була доставлена літаком в Україну. Наступні партії ліків ...
August 17, 2015
Bay Area Reporter | Nurse delivers pointed speech at SFAF gala Bay Area Reporter Longtime former HIV nurse Diane Jones enlivened the crowd at the San Francisco AIDS Foundation's Tribute celebration, urging them to keep fighting, especially in the current political climate when access to health care is under attack. Diane Jones, and ... |
Sep 21, 2017
The rate of new HIV diagnoses in South Florida spiked to more than three times the national average in 2015, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s annual HIV Surveillance Report, which found that diagnoses in the ...
December 6, 2016
No new HIV infections have been seen among nearly 1000 people who started Truvada for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) at Kaiser Permanente Northern California, according to a recent report in the Journal of ...
January 26, 2017
Doctors in Spain have announced the world's first clinical trial to cure five HIV patients within three years using transplants of blood from umbilical cords. Spain’s National Organization of Transplants (ONT) announced ...
October 23, 2015
ABIVAX's ABX464 Reduces HIV Reservoir in Blood in Second ... Markets Insider ABIVAX (Paris:ABVX) (Euronext Paris: FR0012333284 – ABVX), an innovative biotechnology company targeting the immune system to eliminate viral diseases ... |
Sep 28, 2017
NAIROBI, Kenya, Oct 27 – New HIV/AIDS infections among adolescents and young people have increased by 17 per cent even as the country recorded a general decline of 19 per cent in new infections between the year 2013 and ...
October 27, 2016
President Donald Trump signed an order today to cut federal funding for sanctuary cities like Oakland, Alameda, and Berkeley. But what exactly is Trump cutting by removing funds from cities that do not assist the feds ...
January 25, 2017
Interventions to improve linkage to care and retention in treatment which speed up the start of treatment or provide intensive support to people before starting treatment produce better retention in ...
July 21, 2016
Increases in PrEP Prescribing in NYC, but Disparities Persist Infectious Disease Special Edition San Diego—Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) prescribing rose a striking 976% between 2014 and 2016, according to electronic health record (EHR) data from 602 medical practices in New York City, researchers said at IDWeek 2017 (abstract 898). ... CDC ... |
Oct 07, 2017
"รองผู้ว่าฯกทม." คาดสถานการณ์ติดเชื้อเอชไอวีในกรุงเทพปีนี้อยู่ที่ 77,970 คน ประเมินมีผู้ติดเชื้อรายใหม่ 2,205 คน นายทวีศักดิ์ เลิศประพันธ์ รองผู้ว่าราชการกรุงเทพมหานคร กล่าวว่า สถานการณ์การติดเชื้อเอชไอวีในกรุงเทพมหานครปัจจุบันคาดว่ามีผู้ติดเชื้อเอชไอวีในปี ...
February 16, 2017
Health Minister, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, is calling for Jamaicans to practise responsible sexual behaviour in order to prevent new human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections. He said results from ...
November 20, 2017
AD.nl |
Aantal hiv-diagnoses in Amsterdam in 5 jaar gehalveerd
AD.nl Dat Amsterdam succes boekt met hiv-bestrijding blijft ook internationaal niet onopgemerkt. De stad krijgt een pluim van de Verenigde Naties omdat het als eerste deelnemende Europese stad de Internationale VN-doelstellingen heeft gehaald op weg naar ... Aantal hiv-diagnoses in Amsterdam gehalveerd Amsterdam wil aidsvrije stad worden Jongeren wereldwijd lopen meer risico op aids |
Jul 20, 2017
August 11, 2015
Nine thousand, seven hundred and ninety-six. This is the number of Jamaicans currently receiving life-saving treatment for HIV/AIDS thanks to the United States President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, ...
May 27, 2018
Gloversville Leader-Herald |
Beating the odds
Gloversville Leader-Herald At age 18, she began working at Montgomery Transitional Services, a youth group home in Amsterdam, while going to school full time. Shortly after, she moved to ... She has also hosted events for St. Baldrick's and St. Jude's, volunteers at the Legion ... |
Oct 02, 2017
SAN FRANCISCO (September 1, 2016) – New HIV infections in San Francisco are continuing to decline and people with HIV are getting linked to care more quickly, but significant disparities persist that must be overcome in ...
September 1, 2016
HIV tests are more sensitive today than they used to be. They can detect smaller amounts of substances in the blood. Even if a potential HIV infection occurred just six weeks ago, doctors can now tell for sure ...
August 21, 2015
Advocate.com | Drug Use in Our Community Requires Immediate Action Advocate.com The new facility will be open to adult New Yorkers of all sexual orientations, identities, and income levels regardless of HIV status, and serve as an enhanced tool in the campaign to end the HIV epidemic in New York State by 2020 — a goal set by Gov. |
Sep 27, 2017
June 6, 2017 — To kick-off Pride Month, the de Blasio Administration today published and distributed New York City’s first-ever LGBTQ Health Care Bill of Rights, which details health care protections on local, state and federal levels to ...
June 6, 2017
Cities will determine the outcome of the fight to end Aids. Of the 35 million people living with HIV around the world, more than a quarter reside in urban hotspots affected by the pandemic. And in many major cities, over half of all people live without access to HIV prevention, testing, treatment and care.
June 16, 2016
Київ отримав новітній препарат антиретровірусної терапії в рамках програми боротьби з розповсюдженням ВІЛ/СНІД. Як повідомляє прес-служба Київського міського голови, препарат шостого покоління (долутегравір) для антиретровірусної терапії ...
July 10, 2017
Quezon City hosted the first ever AIDS HOUR in country and in the world last May 14, 2016, between 6 to 7 in the evening. Held at Quezon Memorial Circle the AIDS HOUR 2016 aimed to create noise and promote HIV awareness through people engagement and participation. The event coincides with the commemoration of International AIDS Candlelight Ceremony, remembering those who died because of AIDS. Mayor Herbert M. Bautista gave the welcome message, stressing the importance of local government participation in ending this epidemic. He also led the lighting of candles around the red ribbon setup at Liwasang Aurora, the 1,675 candles represent the number who died from AIDS as of March 2015. Together with Department of Health, The Red Ribbon, Inc, Shell Foundation, representatives from other LGUs, Hospitals, Universities and Community-based Organization and Dra. Verdades Linga, pressed the button ending the AIDS HOUR and started a spectacular laser show that transformed the 66m Quezon Memorial Tower into candle like structure. On top of the tower a blast of light illuminated the park and was seen from neighboring areas. This represents HOPE and SOLIDARITY of the local government of Quezon City with people affected by HIV and AIDS in our country said Dr. Rolly Cruz, HIV Program Coordinator.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
JEMS.com | NYC EMT Who Contracted HIV While On Duty Honored 20 Years After Death JEMS.com EAST HARLEM, Manhattan (PIX11) — Twenty years after the city of New York turned its back on Tracy Allen Lee, the FDNY emergency medical technician was honored Monday for the selfless act that ultimately took her life. In November of 1989, Lee was ... |
Sep 30, 2017
Two studies in HIV/HCV co-infected patients participating in the ANRS CO13- HEPAVIH cohort suggest a lower risk of liver fibrosis in patients who drink at least three cups of coffee a day, irrespective of their alcohol consumption ...
July 25, 2017
August 16, 2017
June 23, 2019
À première vue, la quarantaine d'enfants rassemblés à l'ombre bienfaitrice d'une paillote semble en bonne santé, prête à croquer la vie à pleines dents. Mais quand l'œil s'habitue à la pénombre qui tranche avec le ...
October 8, 2017
Healthline | CDC Agrees That Person with Undetectable HIV Cannot Transmit the Virus Healthline The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have announced that they concur with scientific evidence asserting that when an individual has an undetectable HIV viral count, there's effectively no risk of them transmitting HIV to a sexual partner. |
Oct 04, 2017
bioLytical Laboratories Inc., a leader in rapid diagnostic assays, is pleased to share that its INSTI HIV Self Test was featured at the 9th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2017) in Paris as an oral presentation. The late ...
July 27, 2017
-The AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) affiliate organization Women Organized to Respond to Life-threatening Diseases (WORLD) is proud to celebrate the ribbon cutting of the new WORLD House location, which will ...
March 4, 2016
It’s been four years since Port-au-Prince collapsed, and Haiti’s women are still working through the damage—both physical and mental—left by the catastrophic 2010 earthquake and its aftermath. The cameras and ...
January 9, 2014
Australian clinic records show significant reduction in duration of infectiousness in HIV-positive gay men from 2007 ... aidsmap The period during which HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM) are potentially infectious fell significantly between 2007 and 2016, investigators from Australia report in the online edition of AIDS. Data from Melbourne Sexual Health Centre showed ... |
Sep 25, 2017
bioLytical Laboratories, een wereldleider op het gebied van tests voor het snel detecteren van infectieziekten, is verheugd om de introductie van de INSTI® HIV Zelftest in Nederlandse apotheken aan te mogen kondigen. Eén enkele druppel ...
July 30, 2017
Madrid, 20 de Octubre de 2014. COLEGA-MADRID (Colectivo LGBT de la Comunidad de Madrid) conmemora la celebración del Día Nacional de la Prueba de VIH con una campaña de promoción de la prueba rápida de ...
October 20th 2014
Omroep Zeeland |
'Op hiv zit nog altijd een groot taboe' (video) | Omroep Zeeland
Omroep Zeeland GOES - Zeeuwse hiv-patiënten praten liever niet over hun ziekte. Dat merkt ook internist Marcel van den Berge van het behandelcentrum bij het ADRZ in Goes. |
Jun 02, 2017
July 4, 2018
ScienceBlog.com (blog) | Three-in-one antibody protects monkeys from HIV-like virus ScienceBlog.com (blog) The three-pronged antibody, created by investigators from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Paris-based pharmaceutical company Sanofi, also stopped a greater number of HIV strains from infecting cells in the laboratory more potently than ... |
Sep 21, 2017
Con el correr de los años, la población ha tomado mayor conciencia sobre las formas de prevención del HIV. A pesar de ello, los datos continúan siendo alarmantes. En 2017 se reportaron ...
January 22, 2018
HIV prevention pills now available to university students SowetanLIVE Truvada has been rolled out in South Africa at pilot clinics for gay and bisexual men and to some HIV negative sex workers‚ but has not been made available to young people before. Young women aged between 15 and 25 are the most at risk of contracting ... |
Sep 26, 2017
New York Daily News | 'Even you can get it': Alison Gertz and the new face of AIDS New York Daily News Alison Gertz wasn't supposed to get AIDS," wrote The New York Times when she decided that perhaps she could diminish other human suffering if she publicized her own tragedy. "It's a dreadful ... After The Times story ran (UNLIKELY AIDS SUFFERER'S ... |
Aug 14, 2017
GGD Amsterdam gaat nieuwe hiv-infecties bij mannen die seks hebben met mannen (MSM) vanaf vandaag versneld opsporen. Dat doet de GGD met behulp van een ‘symptomencheck’ en een nieuw testapparaat dat het virus vanaf een week na besmetting ...
August 18, 2015
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Tuberculosis is the number one cause of death in HIV-infected patients in Africa and a leading cause of death in this population worldwide, yet the majority of these patients are excluded from the early stages in the development ...
September 29, 2015
Friday, May 25, 2018
A decline of more than 90% has been witnessed in the number of pregnant women diagnosed with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in Mumbai in the past two decades, revealed a 25-year ...
January 8, 2018
WPTV.com | Could needle exchange pilot program expand to Palm Beach County? WPTV.com Given the severity of the opioid epidemic in Palm Beach County, commissioners want to take action to prevent the spread of diseases like HIV and Hepatitis C. The commissioners are asking the state to expand a needle exchange pilot program that is ... Palm Beach County pushing for clean-needle program |
Aug 30, 2017
VAC has learned that a person on the Victorian PrEPX study has seroconverted and become HIV positive. There are two ways that this may have occurred ...
May 22, 2017
MONTRÉAL, le 1er déc. 2017 /CNW Telbec/ - La mairesse de Montréal, Mme Valérie Plante, a signé aujourd'hui la Déclaration de Paris pour confirmer l'adhésion de la Ville de Montréal à l'initiative Fast-Track ...
December 1, 2017
Stigma of HIV Made Worse by Age Bias Infectious Disease Special Edition “Adults remain sexually active well into later life, if they are healthy and have a partner available,” said Mark Brennan-Ing, PhD, the director for research and evaluation at ACRIA, a non-profit HIV/AIDS research organization in New York City. “In ... |
Oct 02, 2017
At St. Thomas, the quality healthcare you and your family deserve is easily accessible. That’s why same day and next day appointments are our specialty. Whether your child is sick and needs to see a pediatrician, you need ...
June 2, 2017
At two of the largest hospitals near downtown Oakland, doctors have heard the same story so many times from young African-American men undergoing treatment for HIV/AIDS that they practically know it by heart ...
March 23, 2012
«Hay que volver a hablar del sida». Es el lema de la campaña de este año en la Fundación Lucha contra el sida. Y es, lamentablemente, una realidad: la enfermedad está muy lejos de desaparecer. De hecho ...
July 5, 2017
CBS San Francisco Bay Area | Trump Justice Department Ends Transgender Workplace Protections CBS San Francisco Bay Area ... which has been cruelly consistent in its hostility towards the LGBT community and in particular its inability to treat transgender people with basic dignity and respect,” said James Esseks, director of the American Civil Liberties Union's LGBT ... |
Oct 06, 2017
A Defensoria Pública de São Paulo lançou hoje (5), no Museu da Diversidade, na Estação República do metrô, uma cartilha para combater a discriminação contra pessoas que vivem com HIV/Aids. A publicação Pelo Fim da Discriminação das ...
May 9, 2017
In a time before antiretroviral medications, it was populated by patients, often young men, facing a life cut brutally - and painfully - short. Six years later, Gideon Mendel spent time documenting the lives of four patients ...
November 23, 2017
Investigators have created a consortium in an effort to yield HIV cures through stem cell transplants similar to the cure achieved in the Berlin Patient, the man whose HIV and leukemia were cured following a ...
July 19, 2016
December 15, 2017
TheBody.com | Undetectable = Uninfectious. So Why Are People With HIV Still Being Criminalized for Having Sex? TheBody.com Says Derrick Mapp, HIV health counselor and national trainer at San Francisco's The Shanti Project: "Me being HIV-positive -- I'm not a criminal. It's something that happens. Spitting, scratching and fighting -- these things don't transmit HIV." Yet ... |
Oct 10, 2017
On the 17th floor of a disused building in Kiev, Ukraine, is a secret spot where people from across the capital city congregate with one purpose: to shoot up. Standing by the door leading out to the balcony is 31-year-old Roman, busy ...
August 23, 2016
NU.nl |
Groei onder Europese vijftigplussers die HIV-diagnose krijgen
NU.nl Bij eenzelfde percentage van diegenen die behandeld worden, is het virus dan zo onderdrukt dat ze het niet meer kunnen overdragen. In Amsterdam, waar meer dan een kwart van de mensen met hiv in Nederland woont, liggen deze percentages nu op 94, ... |
Sep 27, 2017
En mars 2013, l'équipe du Professeur Christine Rouzioux (Université Paris-Descartes ) publiait un article intitulé Post-Treatment HIV-1 Controllers with a Long-Term Virological Remission after the Interruption of Early Initiated Antiretroviral ...
March 28, 2014
Cadtle Hills News | 'I'll never make that mistake again': The drug that slashed Sydney's HIV rate Cadtle Hills News The data also shows in January to June this year there was a 39 per cent drop in the number of gay and bisexual men diagnosed with HIV where they had acquired it within the previous 12 months, compared to the same period over the past six years. |
Aug 25, 2017
Amsterdam is één van de eerste Europese steden die hiv en aids definitief een halt toe roept. De stad heeft de internationale VN-doelstellingen al gehaald. Dat meldt UNAIDS in haar nieuwste rapport, op de vooravond van de Internationale ...
July 21, 2017
July 26, 2017
Aidsfonds-Soa Aids Nederland steunt het initiatief van de Amsterdamse gemeenteraadsleden Roosma (GroenLinks) en Vroege (D66), om een tweejarig programma bij de GGD te financieren, dat medische controle biedt aan informele PrEP ...
July 17, 2017
The Mayor of Mumbai, Snehal Ambekar, has pledged her support to accelerating the response to HIV in her city over the next five years, by signing the Paris Declaration on Fast-Track Cities. She made the ...
May 28, 2015
Kyiv Post | Suprun: Ukraine has all necessary resources to overcome HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030 Kyiv Post Ukraine has all resources and political will to overcome the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030, Acting Minister of Health Ulana Suprun has said at a press conference. “Ukraine has the largest program in the Central Europe and Central Asia region for the ... |
Sep 27, 2017
New York, NY: Dozens of people living with HIV/AIDS and HIV service providers will descend upon New York’s City Hall with 3 demands of City Council Members, starting with a press conference on the steps of City Hall at 10am ...
May 28, 2015
The San Antonio Metropolitan Health District is holding a daylong forum Wednesday with community leaders and people living with HIV to discuss strategies to stop the spread of HIV infection in Bexar County ...
October 9, 2017
July 25, 2018
More than 6,500 deaths have been reported in the Donbass region, where Ukrainian forces have battled Russian-supported separatist fighters for control since April 2014. The political violence has led to a humanitarian crisis. More than 8,000 patients being ...
July 26, 2015
Amsterdam PrEP failure patient had unusual course of HIV infection aidsmap At last February's Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), Dutch clinicians presented a so-far unique case of a man who had apparently become infected with non-drug resistant HIV while taking pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) ... |
Oct 02, 2017
The nation's HIV and AIDS infection rates have steadily dropped over the past handful of years. With medication, HIV-positive individuals can now lead long, healthy lives. And through diligent self-care (or use of the preventative drug PrEP) ...
November 28, 2016
At least 30 pregnant women have been diagnosed with HIV infections in Situbondo, East Java, since late last year, the local health agency revealed. "From November 2016 until April 2017, 30 pregnant women have ...
April 15, 2015
Doctors in Barcelona, Spain believe they have found the cure to HIV – the AIDS-causing virus that affects the lives of more than 34 million people worldwide, according to WHO. By using blood transplants from the ...
December 30, 2015
The opioid epidemic in 6 charts San Francisco Chronicle Andrew Kolodny, Brandeis University. (THE CONVERSATION) Drug overdose deaths, once rare, are now the leading cause of accidental death in the Unites States, surpassing peak annual deaths caused by motor vehicle accidents, guns and HIV infection. |
Oct 05, 2017
NAIROBI: Kenya has launched a HIV situation room that will continuously present the HIV Reproduction, Maternal, Neo-natal and Child Health (RMNCH) situation in the country. This was part of the commitment made by the Ministry of Health ...
September 18, 2015
No new HIV infections have been seen among nearly 1000 people who started Truvada for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) at Kaiser Permanente Northern California, according to a recent report in the Journal of ...
January 26, 2017
Haiti has launched a programme aimed at sensitising young people about the HIV/AIDS virus. The project is being co-funded by the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) and UNAIDS and ...
August 27, 2016
September 26, 2018
The Maravi Post | Promise to end AIDS by 2030: Are we on track? - The Maravi Post The Maravi Post (CNS): Governments of over 190 nations, including India, have promised to end AIDS by 2030 by adopting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). |
Oct 07, 2017
29 พ.ย. 59 - ที่โรงภาพยนต์สกาล่า สยามสแควร์ซอย 1 เขตปทุมวัน นายทวีศักดิ์ เลิศประพันธ์ รองผู้ว่าราชการกรุงเทพมหานคร(กทม.) เป็นประธานในพิธีเปิดงาน “คนกรุงเทพฯร่วมใจ..รณรงค์ต้านภัยเอดส์ ตรวจเร็ว รักษาเร็ว ยุติเอดส์ (World Aids Day)” ...
November 29, 2016
Parool.nl |
'Apotheken gaan hiv-thuistest verkopen'
Parool.nl Ook is er groep mensen die nu nog helemaal niet test en naar schatting weten zo'n 2800 mensen in Nederland niet dat ze hiv hebben. Het is een van de redenen waarom er ieder jaar - volgens een schatting van het Aidsfonds - nog meer dan honderd ... Apotheken in de stad gaan hiv-thuistest verkopen - AT5: de ... Hiv-thuistest te koop bij gespecialiseerde apotheken Een hiv-test kun je voortaan gewoon zelf thuis doen | NOS |
Jul 23, 2017
Impressive life-saving achievements President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief celebrates 15th anniversary. Eric Khant, chargé d’affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Kingston: “…PEPFAR assistance truly has a ...
May 29, 2018
December 1, 2021
BALTIMORE, MD (December 1, 2015)– In recognition of 2015 World AIDS Day, representatives across Baltimore City today honored those we have lost to AIDS and recommitted citywide efforts to ending the epidemic in Baltimore City ...
May 28, 2015 Baltimore
“We’re hoping to bring them back to care and get them back on medications so we can keep them healthy and also prevent new infections in the community.” -Dr. Sarah Rowan, associate director of HIV and Viral Hepatitis Prevention at Denver Public Health ...
January 7, 2017
October 13, 2021
New Haven’s 12th Annual AIDS Walk drew a crowd of 200 on Saturday, raising around $6,000 for AIDS support organizations in Greater New Haven. Beginning and ending at the New Haven Green, participants walked five kilometers ...
APR 18, 2016 by
August 31, 2021
As new drugs make it easier to combat the spread of HIV and AIDS, organizations are finding a growing amount of young adults are not aware of the diseases. At least twice a week, Randle Moore might ask people some seemingly personal ...
August 21, 2020
Denver Mayor Michael Hancock, along with Denver Public Health, say they want to end the "AIDS epidemic" in the city by 2030. While there's still no cure or vaccine for the virus, Dr. William Burman says the goal is attainable if one thing doesn't get in the ...
November 24, 2015
November 29, 2018
July 2, 2018
May 16, 2018
March 6, 2018
December 1, 2017
February 14, 2018
November 29, 2017
October 15, 2018
ATLANTA – Mayor Kasim Reed today signed on to the Fast-Track Cities Paris Declaration to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030, and achieve the 90-90-90 HIV treatment targets by 2020. These targets will rapidly reduce new HIV ...
Dec 22, 2014 Atlanta
March 18, 2017