“Coming out as a trans person has been shaping my coming out as a person living with HIV. It's still something that may be very, very scary in the present, but it is something necessary to smash the stigma and spread the truth about HIV. People think that HIV is some looming, dreaded disease, but really and truly, it's something that we can live with and manage. It's just like any other epidemic. That's what I want: forming groups governed by trans people, for trans people, to show that we are capable. We are individuals that are capable of great benevolence; of great knowledge; and also of humanness, compassion, beauty.”
Message from the Mayor

“We now know that ending HIV by year 2030 is an achievable goal. Together we will work with other Fast Track Cities across the globe to achieve the 90-90-90 targets. In New Orleans, we want to be counted as the City that Cares; we want to be the City that leaves no one behind as we work toward a world where there is zero stigma, zero discrimination and zero new cases of HIV.”
LaToya Cantrell
Mayor of New Orleans