“The voice of the key populations is essential for the fight against HIV/AIDS.”

PLHIV Diagnosed
PLHIV Diagnosed on ART
PLHIV on ART Virally Suppressed
PLHIV Diagnosed
PLHIV Retained in Care
PLHIV Virally Suppressed
Primary Contact: Edith Modesto
Rua Alberto Faria, 835, São Paulo CEP: 05459-000
55-11- 3031-2106
Hour of Operation:
Hours not available
Non profit organization that works with LGBT families, Prevention and Health Promotion (guidelines, provision of condoms, lectures, health training etc.)
Praça Fraklin Roosevelt, 210 - Consolação, São Paulo - CEP: 01303-020
(11) 948214014 (11) 980306787
Hour of Operation: Hours not available
Overview: The mission of the organization is to contribute to a democratic and respectful society of all human differences, where nobody is subjected to any form of coersion and violence due to their sexual orientation and gender identify.
Primary Contact: Fernando Quaresma
Praça da República nº386 / 2º andar São Paulo CEP 01045-000
Hour of Operation: Hours not available
Overview: Non profit organization that advocates on behalf of LGBT Human Rights.
Primary Contact: José Roberto Mafra
R. Gabus Mendes, 29 - República, São Paulo - SP, 01043-010
(11) 973467789 (11) 31299725
Hour of Operation: Hours not available
Overview: Organization that works before, during and after Carnival celebrations. They carry out awareness and STI prevention education as well as collecting non-perishable food and warm clothes.
Primary Contact: Carlos Restrepo
Av. Angelica, 321, salas 155/156, Bairro: Sta Cecilia, CEP: 01227-000
(11) 28924814
Hour of Operation:
Hours not available
Organization that raises awareness about HIV infection, promotes actions to break stigmas associated with HIV positive people and initiatives for healthy living among young gay men.
Rua Santa Cruz, 81, Sao Paulo 04121-000
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: STD/AIDS Reference Center
Av. Itaberaba, 1377 - Freguesia do Ó
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: STD/AIDS Reference Center
Praça Nossa Senhora da Penha, 55 - Penha
2096-6926, 2295-0391
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: STD/AIDS Reference Center
R. Padre José de Anchieta, 640 - Santo Amaro
5686-1613, 5547-0004
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: STD/AIDS Reference Center
R. Luis Bordose, 96 - Cidade Tiradentes
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing and Counseling Center
R. Centralina, 168 - Guaianases
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing and Counseling Center
R. Libero Badaró, 144 – Centro
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing and Counseling Center
R. Taquari, 549 salas 09 e 10 - Mooca
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing and Counseling Center
R. Francisco Antunes Meira, 255 - Parque Ipê
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing and Counseling Center
Av. Dr. Felipe Pinel, 12 – Pirituba
3974-8569, 3974-8580
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing and Counseling Center
R. Promotor Gabriel Nettuzzi Perez, 159 - Santo Amaro
5686-9960, 5686-1475
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing and Counseling Center
Av. Mateo Bei, 838 - São Mateus
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing and Counseling Center
R. Engº. Manoel Osório, 151 - São Miguel Paulista
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing and Counseling Center
R. Valente Novaes, 131 - Itaim Paulista
2561-3052, 2963-3458
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing and Counseling Center
Av. Corifeu Azevedo Marques, 3596 - Butantã
3768-1523, 3768-2168
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
Alameda Cleveland, 374 - Santa Cecília, Sao Paulo
3331-1216, 3331-1317
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
Av. Ceci, 2235 - Jabaquara
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
R. Cristina de Vasconcelos Ceccato, 109 - Cidade Dutra
5666-8386, 5666-8301
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
R. Médio Iguaçu, 86 - Cidade Líder
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
R. Peixoto 100 - Vila Fidélis Ribeiro
2621-0217, 2621-4753
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
Av. Arquiteto Vilanova Artigas, 515 – Sapopemba
2704-7095, 2704-3341
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
Gonçalves Ledo, 606 - Ipiranga
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
R. Vitório Emanuele Rossi, 97 – Jd. Bom Refúgio
5841-9020, 5841-5376
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
R. Tomé de Souza, 30 - Lapa
3832-2386, 3832-2551
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
Deocleciano de Oliveira Filho, 641 – Jd. São Luiz
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
R. Dr. Luiz Lustosa da Silva, 339 – Mandaqui
2977-7739, 2950-9217
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
Praça Centenário de Vila Prudente, 108 - Vila Prudente
Hour of Operation: Segunda a Sexta: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
Rua Ferreira de Araújo, 789, Sao Paulo 05428-002
Hour of Operation: Hours not available
Primary Services: Testing
Rua Santa Cruz, 81, Sao Paulo 04121-000
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing; STD/AIDS Reference Center
Av. Itaberaba, 1377 - Freguesia do Ó
3975-9473 / 3975-2032
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing; STD/AIDS Reference Center
Praça Nossa Senhora da Penha, 55 - Penha
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing; STD/AIDS Reference Center
R. Padre José de Anchieta, 640 - Santo Amaro
5524-3032 / 5686-1613
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing; STD/AIDS Reference Center
R. Luis Bordose, 96 - Cidade Tiradentes
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing and Counseling Center
R. Valente Novaes, 131 - Itaim Paulista
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing and Counseling Center
R. Centralina, 168 - Guaianases
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing and Counseling Center
R. Libero Badaró, 144 – Centro
3241-2224/ 3106-5352
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing and Counseling Center
R. Taquari, 549 salas 09 e 10 - Mooca
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing and Counseling Center
R. Francisco Antunes Meira, 255 - Parque Ipê
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing and Counseling Center
Av. Dr. Felipe Pinel, 12 – Pirituba
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing and Counseling Center
R. Promotor Gabriel Nettuzzi Perez, 159 - Santo Amaro
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing and Counseling Center
Av. Mateo Bei, 838 - São Mateus
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing and Counseling Center
R. Engº. Manoel Osório, 151 - São Miguel Paulista
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing and Counseling Center
Rua Sena Madureira, 1500, Sao Paulo 04021-001
Hour of Operation: Hours not available
Primary Services: Testing
Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 165, Sao Paulo 01246-900
Hour of Operation: Open 24 Hours
Primary Services: Testing
R. Cristina de Vasconcelos Ceccato, 109 - Cidade Dutra
5666-8301 / 5666-8386
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing; STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
R. Médio Iguaçu, 86 - Cidade Líder
2748-1139 / 2748-0255 / 2748-8595
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing; STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
Av. Ceci, 2235 - Jabaquara
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing; STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
Av. Corifeu Azevedo Marques, 3596 - Butantã
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing; STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
Alameda Cleveland, 374 - Santa Cecília, Sao Paulo
3331-1216 / 3331-1317 / 3221-5381
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing; STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
R. Peixoto 100 - Vila Fidélis Ribeiro
2621-4753 / 2721-0217
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing; STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
Av. Arquiteto Vilanova Artigas, 515 – Sapopemba
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing; STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
Primary Contact: Bernadete de Lourdes dos Santos P.
R. Vitório Emanuele Rossi, 97 – Jd. Bom Refúgio
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing; STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
Gonçalves Ledo, 606 - Ipiranga
2273-5073 / 2063-6155
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing; STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
R. Dr. Luiz Lustosa da Silva, 339 – Mandaqui
2950-9217 / 2977-7739
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing; STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
Deocleciano de Oliveira Filho, 641 – Jd. São Luiz
5515-6207 / 5518-4745
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing; STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
R. Tomé de Souza, 30 - Lapa
3832-2551 / 3832-8618
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing; STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
Praça Centenário de Vila Prudente, 108 - Vila Prudente
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday: 7h às 19h
Primary Services: Testing; STD/AIDS Specialized Assistance Service
Primary Contact: Rodrigo Pinheiro
Av. São João 324 , 7º andar São Paulo -SP CEP 01036-000
55-11-3334 0704
Hour of Operation: Hours not available
Overview: It is a non-profit civil entity of a humanitarian and representative character, state level , which will articulate and reconcile the aspirations of non-governmental organizations working within the scope of the AIDS pandemic, without religious, racial and ideological distinction, gender and sexual or partisan orientation.
Primary Contact: Américo Nunes
Rua Capitão Cavalcanti, 145, Vl. Mariana - Cep 04017-000, Sao Paulo - SP
55-11- 98212-6950
Hour of Operation: Hours not available
Overview: MOPAIDS promove actions of integrated public health policies, together with the STD-AIDS Programs, the Municipal Health Department and other public services, whose purpose is to reflect, socialize understandings and strengthen criticisms and proposals from organized civil society for the debate on STD actions -HIV / AIDS in the city of São Paulo.
Primary Contact: Renata Brandoli
Rua Maestro Savino Benedicts, 60, São Paulo , SP 05379-070, Brazil
55-11-3768 6615
Hour of Operation: Hours not available
Overview: Health Promotion -providing condoms, lectures, health training for PLHIV .
Primary Contact: Norma Calandriello
Rua Imbiré , 42 São Paulo - SP CEP 04950-080
55-11- 5517 1239
Hour of Operation:
Hours not available
Care for PLHIV/ and family and HIV prevention activities.
Primary Contact: José Araújo
Rua João Bernardo Vieira , 387 SP/SP CEP 05794-310
55-11-5842 5403
Hour of Operation: Hours not available
Overview: Provide services and support to PLHIV / HIV prevention Activities / Participate in instances of social control.
Primary Contact: Áurea Abbade
Rua Amaral Gurgel 447 , 5º andar SP/SP CEP 01221-001
55-11-3333 5454
Hour of Operation:
Hours not available
Provide HIV testing ( oral fluid ) and services and support toPLHIV / HIV prevention Activities / Participate in instances of social control.
Primary Contact: Claudio Pereira
Rua Capitão Cavalcanti, 145, Vl. Mariana - Cep 04017-000, Sao Paulo - SP
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday 2pm-10pm
Overview: Provide services and support to PLHIV / HIV prevention Activities / Participate in instances of social control.
Primary Contact: Hiroko Watinaga
Rua General Jardim, 566 Vila Buarque - São Paulo - SP CEP:01223-010
55-11- 3259-2149
Hour of Operation: Hours not available
Overview: Provide services and support to PLHIV / HIV prevention Activities / Participate in instances of social control.
Primary Contact: Américo Nunes
Rua Professor Assis Ribeiro, 226 - Sao Miguel Paulista - São Paulo - SP CEP: 08021-470
Hour of Operation: Hours not available
Overview: Provide services and support to PLHIV / HIV prevention Activities / Participate in instances of social control
Primary Contact: Margarete Preto
Rua Dr. João Rodrigues de Abreu , 352 Perus São Paulo - SP CEP : 05202-090
55-11-3917 1513
Hour of Operation: Hours not available
Overview: Provide services and support to PLHIV including assistance (home support , basic food , etc.. ) / HIV prevention Activities / Participate in instances of social control.
Primary Contact: Socorro F Macedo
Rua do Controle , 96 Vila Bancária SP/SP CEP: 03260-000
55-11-2302 6821
Hour of Operation:
Hours not available
Housing and support services for people living HIV/AIDS (children) .
Primary Contact: Vivian Andrade
Avenida Mendonça e Vasconselo, 690 São Mateus SP/SP CEP: 08330-260
55-11- 2019 7692
Hour of Operation:
Hours not available
Housing and support services for people living HIV/AIDS.
Primary Contact: Rosalina Gaeta
Rua Dr Álvaro Osório de Almeida 315 Jardim Bonfiglioli SP/SP CEP: 05359-030
55-11-3733 4940
Hour of Operation:
Hours not available
Housing and support services for people living HIV/AIDS.
Primary Contact: Marli Mattos
Rua José Joaquim Gonçalves 834 Jardim Santo Antonio SP/SP CEP: 05850-210
55-11-5814 7479
Hour of Operation:
Hours not available
Housing and support services for people living HIV/AIDS.
Primary Contact: Elizabeth Bahia
Rua Marechal Cordeiro de Farias 65 SP/SP CEP 01244-050
55-11-3154 7050
Hour of Operation: Hours not available
Overview: Health Promotion -providing condoms and HIV prevention activities ( sexual education among young people in the school ).
Primary Contact: Selma Euci
Rua Antonio Fortunato , 627 . Burgo Paulista SP/SP CEP 03681-000
55-11-2041 6140
Hour of Operation: Hours not available
Overview: Social and educational activities for people living with HIV / AIDS in poverty or social exclusion.
Primary Contact: Thiago Aranha
Rua Major Diogo 779 , Bela Vista SP/SP CEP: 01324-000
55-11- 3112 1384
Hour of Operation:
Hours not available
Housing and support services for people living HIV/AIDS ( transgender people) .
Primary Contact: Irmã Leonice
Rua Serra do Jairé, 1433 Água Rasa SP/SP CEP 03175-001
55-11-2606 2185
Hour of Operation:
Hours not available
Housing and support services for people living HIV/AIDS (children) .
Primary Contact: Cinthia Martins
Rua Sapucaia , 281 Moóca SP/SP CEP:03170-050
55-11-2796 4002
Hour of Operation:
Hours not available
Housing and support services for people living HIV/AIDS (children) .
Primary Contact: Marcelo Ryngelblum
Rua 24 de Maio , 116 /4º andar República SP/SP CEP : 01041-000
55-11- 3337 6049
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday 2pm-6pm
Overview: É de lei promotes the reduction of social and health damages associates with drug use.
Primary Contact: Marta Baião
Rua Coronel Xavier de Toledo , 210 sala 112 SP/SP CEP : 01048-000
55-11-3151 6630
Hour of Operation:
Hours not available
The CIM develops activities and actions with the purpose of accumulating, storing, recording, recovering, divulging and socializing the history of women in social movements.
Primary Contact: Glaucia Morelli
Avenida São João , 313 / 11º andar SP/SP CEP : 01035-905
55-11-3223 3536
Hour of Operation: Hours not available
Overview: Non-Profit Entity that aims to defend Women's Rights.
Primary Contact: Lucas Seara
Rua Araújo , 124 / 2º andar . Vila Buarque SP/SP CEP 01220-010
55-11-3255 1238
Hour of Operation:
Hours not available
ECOS was founded in 1989 with the aim of defending Human Rights and Sexual Rights and Reproductive Rights, especially the most vulnerable populations and youths.
Primary Contact: Suelaine Carneiro
Rua Santa Isabel, 137 / 4º andar . Vila Buarque SP/SP CEP : 01221-010
55-11- 3333 3444
Hour of Operation: Hours not available
Overview: It is a civil society organization that stands for the defense of women and blacks because it understands that these two social segments suffer from disadvantages and discriminations in access to social opportunities due to racism and Of sexism in the Brazilian society.
Primary Contact: Marta Mc Briton
Rua Bela Cintra , 409 / box 23 SP/SP CEP : 01415-000
55-11-3081 8406
Hour of Operation: Hours not available
Overview: Health Promotion -providing condoms , HIV testing ( fluid oral ) and HIV prevention activities.
Primary Contact: Claudia Santos
Rua Ministro Godoi 1484 , Perdizes SP/SP CEP: 05015-900
55-11-3866 2751
Hour of Operation: Hours not available
Overview: Health Promotion -providing condoms and HIV prevention activities ( sexual education among young people in the school ).
Primary Contact: Esther Lisboa
Rua Barão de Itapetininga , 120 sala 307. SP/SP CEP 01042-000
55-11-3667 9579
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday 1pm-7pm
Overview: Health Promotion -providing condoms and HIV prevention activities for men who have sex with men.
Primary Contact: Marcia Santos
Rua Hanneman , 352 Pari SP/SP CEP 03031-040
Hour of Operation: Hours not available
Overview: Social and educational activities for people living with HIV / AIDS in poverty or social exclusion ; promote HIV Testing ( fluid oral ) .
Primary Contact: Marlene Ribeiro
Rua Diogo Cabrera, 181 Imirim SP/SP CEP: 02467-060
55-11- 2256 7415
Hour of Operation:
Hours not available
Housing and support services for people living HIV/AIDS (children) .
Primary Contact: Marlene Ribeiro
Rua Diogo Cabrera , 153 Imirim SP/SP CEP: 02467-060
55-11-3628 3708
Hour of Operation:
Hours not available
Housing and support services for people living HIV/aids ( young people) .
Primary Contact: Solanje Agda
Rua da Mina , 38 . SP/SP CEP : 04235-460
55-11-2272 0140
Hour of Operation: Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:30pm
Overview: Health Promotion -providing condoms and HIV prevention activities .
Primary Contact: Adriano Oliveira
Rua Bittencourt Rodrigues, 88 . SP/SP CEP: 01017-010
55-11-3237 4091
Hour of Operation:
Hours not available
"Promote HIV Testing (fluid oral) and disseminate processes and practices of educommunication and mobilization among young people (mainly men who have sex with men), adolescents and educators for the realization of the human right to communication and for social and environmental transformation."
“The voice of the key populations is essential for the fight against HIV/AIDS.”
“My engagement with the AIDS movement is shaped by my trajectory and participation in spaces of political incidence. Although policy focus varies from one place to another because their role ranges from advisory to deliberative, in the end their ultimate goal is to improve the quality of STD/AIDS policies.”
© International Association of Providers of AIDS Care. All Rights Reserved. This webportal was developed through a partnership between IAPAC and Dure Technologies, and produced with financial support from multiple donors, none of which had any editorial input or control over its content.