© International Association of Providers of AIDS Care. All Rights Reserved. This webportal was developed through a partnership between IAPAC and Dure Technologies, and produced with financial support from multiple donors, none of which had any editorial input or control over its content.
Zelf Testen
WHO Key Facts on HIV Epidemic in the Netherlands and Progress in 2011
Stitching Monitoring Report 2015-19-Nov

SOA HIV Jaarcijfers

Sexually transmitted infections including HIV in the Netherlands in 2014

Sexual Health and the New Media Presentation

Preventief Verbinden - Kadernota Volksgezondheid def

Press Release Amsterdam PrEP Trial
Persbericht Amsterdam PrEP

Persbericht Aanscherping Toelatingscriteria SOA Poli
NLD Narrative Report 2014 - UNAIDS

Jaarverslag SOA Poli (2014)

Jaarverslag SOA - GGD (2013)

Jaarverslag GGD Amsterdam (2014)

Jaarraportage SOA (2012)

Global Health in Amsterdam Presentation
Aiming for Zero New HIV Infections in Amsterdam by 2026

Hiv in Nederland Factsheet (2015)