
Amsterdam 95-95-95 Targets (2022)




Source: Provided by the City of Amsterdam

Amsterdam HIV Care Continuum (2022) PLHIV: 6,375





Source: Provided by the City of Amsterdam

Mayor's Message

“AIDS is not over and there is no reason to lean backwards. But at the same time we should avoid despair, we have good reasons to be hopeful. Amsterdam will start at home by stepping up our efforts to ensure we will be an aids-free city in 2030. It is an acknowledgement of all that we have achieved in our response to HIV. In recent years Amsterdam met the UN 90/90/90 goals. These facts means a lot in terms of improving the lives of thousands of people.

But that is still not the case around the world. The reasons why so many people in the world are still denied treatment are almost never medical reasons. They are bigotry, homophobia, religious fanaticism, unjust economic systems, and indifferent governments. Our weapons are not just medicine and evidence, but more important, our ideals of freedom, open mindedness and social progress. We believe Amsterdam has a responsibility to share its experiences with other cities. If cities cooperate internationally (like in the fast track cities initiative) urban centers around the world will greatly benefit from exchanging success stories and lessons learned in striving for zero new infections. Amsterdam will do its part, let’s do it together worldwide.”

Femke Halsema
Mayor of Amsterdam
HIV Services
AIDS Fonds

Keizersgracht 390-394, 1016 GB Amsterdam

+31 20 62 62 669


Policy development; research and project funding; individual grants; documentation centre.

AIDS Healthcare Foundation

Jodenbreestraat 158, 1011 NS Amsterdam, The Netherlands

+31 20 620 6261

Overview: “AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) is a global organization which provides cutting-edge medicine and advocacy to over 1,000,000 people in 45 countries.”


"From “Los Angeles-based AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF),a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, is a global organization providing cutting-edge medicine and advocacy to more than 612305 people in 36 countries. We are the largest provider of HIV/AIDS medical care in the U.S. A truly independent voice in our mission to rid the world of AIDS, AHF’s operating capital comes from our own self-created social enterprises. AHF Pharmacies, thrift stores, healthcare contracts and other strategic partnerships generate funding that helps AHF provide medical and advocacy services across the globe. Generating and defining new, innovative ways of treatment, prevention and advocacy is the hallmark of our success. We are currently leading a mass testing initiative to identify and treat the 25 million people who don’t know they are infected. By advocating big goals – aiming to see an unprecedented 1 billion people tested each year – AHF hopes to eliminate older, more time-consuming methods. Since 1987, AHF has cared for thousands of people living with HIV and AIDS worldwide. As we create and implement unparalleled programs in new communities in the U.S. and abroad, we expand delivery of healthcare and influence over policy with the sole aim of saving more lives.”"

COC Nederland

Nieuwe Herengracht 49, 1011 RN Amsterdam

+31 20 623 45 96

Overview: “Advocacy for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights; LGBT health and rights (including HIV and AIDS); organizational capacity building; community building.”


"From“COC Netherlands has been advocating the rights of lesbian women, gay men, bisexuals and transgenders (LGBT’s) from 1946 on. COC strives for the decriminalization of sexual orientation and gender identity and for equal rights, emancipation and social acceptance of LGBT’s in the Netherlands and all over the world. COC is one of the few LGBT organizations that has a special consultative status with the United Nations.”

Global Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GNP+)

PO Box 11726, 1001 GS Amsterdam, Netherlands

+31 20 42 34 114

Overview: “The Global Network of People living with HIV (GNP+) is the global network for and by people living with HIV. GNP+ advocates to improve the quality of life of people living with HIV. Driven by the needs of people living with HIV worldwide, GNP+ supports people living with HIV through their organizations and networks. GNP+ works to ensure equitable access to health and social services, by focusing on social justice, rights and more meaningful involvement of people living with HIV in program and policy development – the GIPA principle.”


"From “GNP+ is the global network for and by people living with HIV. The network was founded in 1986 – as International Steering Committee – to gather and strengthen the voices of people living with HIV and to ensure people with HIV would be involved closely in solving the HIV epidemic. Nothing about us, without us!”

HIV Focus Centrum - DC Klinieken Amsterdam

Tesselschadestraat 4, 1054 ET Amsterdam

(088) 0100 900

HIV Focus Centrum - DC Klinieken Lairesse

Valeriusplein 11, 1075 BG Amsterdam

(088) 0100 900

HIV Focus Centrum - DC Klinieken Oud West

Bosboom Toussaintstraat 47, 1054 AN Amsterdam

(020) 412 0614

HIV Focus Centrum - DC Klinieken Oud Zuid

De Lairessestraat 99, 1071 NX Amsterdam

(088) 0100 900

HIV Focus Centrum - DC Klinieken Slotervaart

Louwesweg 6, 1066 EC Amsterdam

(088) 0100 900

HIV Monitoring Foundation

About us (from link above): Stichting HIV Monitoring (SHM) makes an essential contribution to healthcare for HIV-positive people in the Netherlands. Working with all HIV treatment centres in the Netherlands, SHM systematically collects anonymous medical data from all registered HIV patients. SHM uses these data to produce centre-specific reports that allow HIV treatment centres to optimise their patient care and obtain formal certification. SHM’s data also form the basis for the yearly HIV monitoring report and are used in HIV-related research in the Netherlands and internationally. The outcome of SHM’s research provides tangible input into HIV care and prevention polices in the Netherlands.

Visiting address

 Nicolaes Tulphuis, Tafelbergweg 51, 1105 BD Amsterdam, The Netherlands 

Postal address

 Academisch Medisch Centrum, Universiteit van Amsterdam,Meibergdreef 9 1105 AZ Amsterdam ,The Netherlands 

HIV Vereniging Nederland

1e Helmersstraat 17A-3, 1054 CX, Amsterdam

020-616-01 60 / 020-689 25 77


“Dutch advocacy organization for people with HIV and those who are close to them. HVN carries out projects in the areas of advocacy, fostering contact and mutual support among those who have HIV, giving information and providing services. The motto is 'Optimizing the quality of life of those with HIV'.”

International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI)

Herengracht 208, 1016BS Amsterdam, Netherlands

+31 20 52 10 030

Overview: “European office of the international organization working to speed up the development and distribution of preventive AIDS vaccines.”


"From “The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) is a global not-for-profit organization whose mission is to ensure the development of safe, effective, accessible, preventive HIV vaccines for use throughout the world. Founded in 1996, IAVI works with partners in 25 countries to research, design and develop AIDS vaccine candidates. The organization also conducts policy analysis and serves as an advocate for the AIDS vaccine field. It supports a comprehensive approach to addressing HIV and AIDS that balances the expansion and strengthening of existing HIV prevention and treatment programs with targeted investments in the design and development of new tools to prevent HIV. IAVI is dedicated to ensuring that a future AIDS vaccine will be available and accessible to all who need it. The organization relies on the generous donations of governments, private individuals, corporations and foundations to carry out its mission. Integral to IAVI’s mission is ensuring that future HIV vaccines meet the needs of people who live where HIV/AIDS hits the hardest. IAVI also works closely with many Clinical Research Center (CRC) partners to build sustainable research and development capacity in the communities and countries that participate in vaccine research.”"


Frederik Hendrikstraat 111-115, 1052 HN Amsterdam

+31 20 6822660

Overview: “Health and prevention work for drug users; counselling; research; campaigns; outreach; publications; training on a national scale; project management and support for harm reduction services in eastern Europe, Asia and Africa.”


"From Mainline is “motivated by the desire to improve the health and quality of life of drug users. We have been working for this with our hearts and souls for 25 years.” “Mainline improves the quality of life and the health of users at a global level. Not only by helping individual users directly, but also to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS.”"


Mauritskade 63, 1092 AD Amsterdam

+31 20 56 88 512

Overview: “Share-Net is the network of Dutch development organizations and individual consultants working in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights, and HIV. Share-Net aims to maintain and strengthen the capacity of its members through information sharing, capacity building and policy dialogue.”


"From “Share-Net is the Netherlands Network on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and HIV and AIDS. Our membership includes development organizations, universities, individual consultants, researchers and students working in the fields of SRHR and HIV and AIDS in developing countries and countries in transition. Share-Net Netherlands is the Dutch Knowledge Node of Share-Net International and functions as the national knowledge-sharing, dissemination partner and networker for Share-Net International in the Netherlands.” From “Our aim We seek to strengthen the SRHR and HIV-related knowledge and practices of our members. Our vision A world in which the sexual and reproductive health and rights of all people everywhere are realized. What we do Share-Net realizes its aim through information exchange, sharing knowledge and good practices, and facilitating dialogue on policy, programming and practice. In particular, Share-Net plays an important role in identifying and sharing ‘lessons learned’ from members’ experiences and facilitating discussion and analysis to reveal implications for policies, programming and practice.”"

SOA AIDS - Nederlands

Keizersgracht 392, 1016 GB Amsterdam, Netherlands

+31 20 626 2669

Stichting De Regenboog Groep - Rainbow Foundation Group

Droogbak 1-D, 1013 GE Amsterdam

+31 20 531 76 00

Overview: “Support and counselling to illegal drug users and male sex workers; drop in; needle exchange; user room; outreach work; distribution of condoms and lubricant; HIV prevention; night shelter.”


"From “Mission The Rainbow Group supports the development of vulnerable people to enable their active social participation. Activities For over 35 years The Rainbow Group has worked with the most vulnerable peoples in Amsterdam. This includes people who fall between two stools and do not receive the support they need due to their accumulated problems, such as financial debts, homelessness, addiction and mental health problems. Many of these people live in social isolation. Every day of the week, homeless people are welcome in one of our nine drop-in centres. Here they can eat warm meals, drink coffee, take a shower or get clean clothes. They can also talk to one of our social workers or take part in our Participation and Work Integration Programmes. Our 850 volunteers commit themselves to people with financial problems, socially excluded people, or people with addiction problems. In everything we do, we prioritise the self-reliance of our clients: teach a man to fish, rather than give a man a fish. The Rainbow Group is cost-effective, largely due to the immense efforts of our volunteers. This is one of the reasons that our organization has a CBF seal of approval.”"


TAMPEP International Foundation - International AIDS/STD Prevention among Migrant Prostitutes in Europe Project

Eerste Helmersstraat 17 B3, 1054 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands

+ 31 20 692 69 12

Overview: “A research, prevention and intervention project on migration, sex work and HIV and sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention for (migrant) sex workers in collaboration with 24 European countries, including ten EU countries; strategy and policy development; lobbying, advocacy, training, running various HIV and STI prevention projects in EU countries.”


"From “TAMPEP was founded in 1993 in response to the needs of migrant sex workers across Europe. It operates a community development and participation model, which is rooted within the equalities and human rights framework, lays the foundation for equitable access to support and services for migrant sex workers and seeks to give voice to migrant sex workers.” “TAMPEP promotes a holistic strategy underpinned by principles of respect and inclusion of sex workers and informed by the development and implementation of good practice in relation to health promotion among sex workers.”"

São Paulo

Community Leadership Messages

“In the past 30 years we have come a long way in reducing the number of new infections. By working in close cooperation with all relevant stakeholders and key populations throughout the city and adopting the most up-to- date methods, we have developed a unique and innovative approach providing unprecedented opportunities to strive for an HIV-free Amsterdam.” 


Maria Prins
Professor of Public Health and Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Head Department of Research, Cluster Infectious Diseases, Public Health Service of Amsterdam

"Bringing prevention, formal health care, key populations and the HIV community together into policy making has proven to be very successful. In the past years we managed to reduce transmission as well as stigma on HIV and testing. Each party doing what they are best at, allowing others to add in their expertise and creativity. This close collaboration has not only lead to a significant reduction in HIV transmission, but also to a swift connection to care, both formal and informal, of newly diagnosed people."

Reina Foppen

Cities are not only hot spots for transmission of infections, but also platforms for innovation and cooperation.

Starting back in 2013, the H-TEAM and the city are using Amsterdam’s energy and commitment to stop transmission of HIV and viral hepatitis.

We will continue doing so until all our ambitious goals are reached.

Elske van Hoornenborg

"Tailoring the right prevention scheme to the right individual is the key to beat HIV. There have never been so many HIV prevention options than today. Amsterdam has pledged to create the best match between any particular strategy, whether biomedical or behavioral, and the needs and capabilities of the individual, no matter to which key population he or she belongs to."

Dr. Udi Davidovich
Research & Prevention of Infectious Diseases, Head of the Online Research & Prevention unit (ORP)
Amsterdam Public Health Service & The University of Amsterdam

"Every new HIV infection is one too many. We need to do everything we can to stop new infections from happening."

Dr. Peter Reiss, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine, Dept. of Global Health, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development, and Director HIV Monitoring Foundation

"Rapid recognition and treatment of HIV in a person with acute infection is crucial for a good prognosis and to reduce transmission. This requires specific diagnostic and treatment facilities."

Godelieve J. de Bree, MD PhD
Internist-infectious diseases specialist, clinical immunologist
Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development

"Maximal collaboration with all parties is necessary to prevent new hiv-infections in the Netherlands.

Prof. Dr. Suzanne E. Geerlings
Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam

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