"We are proud, that Vienna is part of the Fast-Track Cities Initiative. Because we have to end HIV-related stigma fast. For us the access to comprehensive prevention for the most affected groups has to be put on top of the agenda - this includes biomedical prevention like PEP, TaP, and PrEP. This is the only way to achieve the 90-90-90-0 target by 2030."
Message from the mayor

"HIV is becoming more and more treatable in industrialized countries. The City of Vienna provides excellent health care facilities with equal access for the entire population. Beyond that, Vienna being Fast-Track City commits itself to aims that are even more ambitious by implementing the 90:90:90 goals as well as Zero-Discrimination Policy. Until the year 2030, no new infections of HIV should occur. People living with HIV shall no longer suffer stigmatization and discrimination. These are truly ambitious goals but with united power, we will be able to reach this target."
Dr. Michael Ludwig
Mayor of Vienna